Part 4

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Warnings: swearing, home invasion? Some character being a sleazy ass

 After everyone who was in the compound left you decided to leave too. You didn't like how lonely it made you feel, how much your thoughts started to feel like they could manifest in front of you. 

You decided to go to a park/field and try to start and figure out what the colours of the lines meant. It was a warm day with a slight wind so you dressed light. You brought a pad and pen with you as you sat down. 

There were all kinds of people in the park today, families, friends, lovers, strangers. You opened the pad and had the pen hovering over the paper as you took a deep breath. You closed your eyes and imagined switching the colour back on for all the lines. When you opened your eyes it was a mess of colour and you instantly felt your head start to pound. You clutched the pen, your knuckles going white, as you clenched your teeth at the pain. 

You focused on your breathing for a few minutes, letting the colours wash over your head, not focusing on them. Once you felt like the pain was manageable you started to focus on specific people in the park. 

There was a father and mother running around with two little boys, laughing, and smiling. They were all connected by an orange line, burning brightly. You wrote down 'orange' and 'family' next to it. 

You let your eyes move slowly so the colours didn't blur together as you focused on a group of school girls joking around and showing things to each other on their phones. The five of them were interconnected with a green line, some were pale green but others were a lush green and it had you frowning. But you wrote down 'green' and the word 'friend?' next to it. 

Just behind the girls were two men in suits, they were holding a coffee and a briefcase each as they seemed to be in a deep debate with each other. They were connected by purple, so you wrote the colour down and next to it wrote 'co-worker? Professional relationship?'. 

At the entrance to the park you saw a man and a woman kiss each other goodbye as the woman started walking through the park and the man walked away down the street. The line becoming taunt but shining a brilliant pink, you wrote 'boyfriend/girlfriend' down as your attention was caught by two teenagers making out on the bench next to yours. You couldn't help but smile but saw the line was a different colour to that of the man and woman you saw earlier. You frowned at the burning red line between them and wrote down 'lovers? Sex? Horny?'. 

You felt weird writing the last one down but you had to figure this out, so no possibility was going unturned. You looked down at your line then, suddenly feeling lonely from watching all these people having human connections. You looked around at all these lines and realised that you are more alone than you thought.

You had shut off the lines of colour as you made your way slowly back to your apartment. Once you got to the dreary building and made it inside you froze. Your apartment had been turned upside down. Pieces of paper, clothes, food, and glass was thrown everywhere. You were in shock, you didn't really know what to do. You stepped around and over your things lying in the short hallway as you made it to the living room. There were books and magazines strewn across the floor along with the stuffing of your pillows from the couch. 

You picked your way across it all as you went to your bedroom. Clothes were everywhere, no draw was left unopened and it made you feel exposed as Goosebumps rose along your arms. You didn't have many valuables, but it was the fact that people had raided through a part of your life without your permission that made you shiver and suppress the wave of tears threatening to obscure your view. 

You had come to the apartment to pack some clothes so you could stay at the compound a little longer, but you felt like everything in your apartment had been tainted. You didn't want to touch anything or take anything except some photographs, and again that wave of loneliness hit you. You felt like you were underwater and couldn't breathe as a few tears managed to escape. You didn't have anyone to call to help you, the first person you thought of was your grandma but she's gone and then it was Bucky, but he was on a mission. Not like you had his number or anyone else's for that matter. And its not like he would care all that much, he barely knows you. So, you sank to the floor, your legs finally giving out as you stared at the visual representation that was your life.

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