Part 11

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Warnings: NSFW 18+ SMUT (please don't read this if you're underage, I do not want to get into trouble) swearing?

 A week later and a lot had changed. You and Bucky told everyone what the line meant between the both of you and everyone was ecstatic. 

Wanda and Vision had moved out of the compound and into their own place and you were slowly starting to feel more in control of life. More change was about to come which you weren't prepared for. You were doing some basic training with Nat when Sam came in and told us that Steve was calling a briefing. 

You were about to go over to the treadmill since Nat was leaving when Sam spoke again, "actually Y/N, he wanted you there too". You turn to him with your eyebrows raised and he just shrugs his shoulders, so you follow Nat and Sam to the briefing room. 

Everyone else is in there waiting for the three of you to arrive. As Nat and Sam sit down, there are no more seats left so you linger in the doorway as Bucky finally notices that you're in the room. 

He scrunches up his face at you with a half-amused smile as he says, "Y/N? What are you doing here?". 

You give him a small smile as you shrug your shoulders, gesturing towards Steve who is preoccupied with looking through a file in his hands. Bucky motions for you to come over to him and you oblige. 

Luckily everyone is having their own private conversations as you stand by Bucky. He is about to get out of the chair and offer it to you when you shake your head at him with another small smile. You watch as a smirk spreads across his lips and before you can comprehend why, he has his arms around your waist pulling you towards him. 

You manage to stifle the yelp of the sudden movement as he deposits you in his lap. But you can't stifle the massive smile that seems to be taking over your face. You feel Bucky place a soft kiss on your shoulder while no one is looking and if it's possible you smile even bigger.

Just then Steve gathers himself and calls everyone to attention, "thanks everyone, I know this is short notice, but the intelligence has just come in now and they seem to think this is going to be important". Everyone listens with rapt attention and you can't help but feel slightly out of place. You know this is what you had signed up for and would eventually do, but you hadn't officially been cleared for missions yet, so you couldn't help but wonder why you were here.

"so, looks like there is a charity gala happening in the town hall tonight", Steve says all this while reading off the file in his hands, "intelligence says there will be Hydra agents meeting there, and we need to find out why". 

Everyone was nodding their heads in agreement and you couldn't help but feel a little bit lost with it all. "Only problem is the intelligence is limited and they don't know how many Hydra agents will be there or if there are any major players meeting either". That's when Steve looked up and scanned the room, his gaze finally settling on you. 

His expression was soft but firm as he says, "Y/N, that's where you come in". You immediately feel Bucky tense beneath you as you stare at Steve in shock. Steve carries on like what he just said was an everyday occurrence, "I know you're not cleared for missions, but I can't have us walking in blind-". 

That's when he gets cut off by Bucky, "oh no, but you'll have Y/N walking into it blind instead. No way Steve, that is not happening". 

Steve sighs, he must have known this would have been the reaction as he drags his hand down his face, "look Buck, I don't like it anymore than you do, but this is the safest option. Y/N isn't as recognisable as us and she can tell us exactly how many Hydra agents are there and exactly who they are".

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