Part 12

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Warnings: I don't want to give too much away but there is an explosion in this scene and swearing

 F.R.I.D.A.Y. woke you both up an hour before you had to leave for the mission. You felt sore, but in a good way and you didn't want to leave the comfort of Bucky's arms. But you knew this was important, so you threw your clothes back on and gave Bucky a quick kiss before going to change into your gown for the gala. It doesn't take long to slip into the dress and apply some make up, you didn't want to be too noticeable at the event, but you also couldn't be underdressed. There was a fine line.

It wasn't long before you were all meeting in the garage and as soon as you stepped out of the elevator you could feel eyes burning into you. You look up to find Bucky watching you intensely having forgotten about the conversation he was having with Sam. He walks over to you without a second glance at Sam, leaving Sam rolling his eyes and muttering under his breath. 

Bucky stops just inches from you and you hear the strain in his voice as he says, "you look breath-taking. I would kiss you but I don't think I could just stop there", he gives you a small smirk and you find your eyes flicking to his lips as you bite yours. 

You hear him groan softly and you give him a cheeky smile, you place your hand on his chest and lean up close to his lips before whispering, "later sergeant", and you give him a wink before walking over to meet the rest of the team. Bucky follows close behind you and you smile despite the situation.

Everyone else was in gear: Bucky, Steve, Sam, Nat, and Tony. Everyone else was unavailable. Tony handed you a clutch bag that matched your dress as he said, "there's a camera in the side, you can point it at the people you identify and we can see if we recognise them or if they are in the database", you give him a nod as he also hands you an ear piece in the form of earrings, "having something in your ear could be spotted so I made these, the right one is the communications and they'll work just like our normal comms". You give him another nod and a smile as you slip the earrings on.

Steve looks at all of us before saying, "okay, so lets go over the plan one more time. So, Y/N goes in and scouts the place out, tries to give us rough numbers and point the camera around so we can see if there is anyone we recognise", Steve makes a point of looking at you, "only get close if you can do it without being seen or found out. If it looks like there isn't anyone there that would recognise us then we'll change into some formal wear and come in and eavesdrop on why they're there, and that's when you make your exit Y/N. Is everyone clear?", affirmative sounds are made and heads are nodded as everyone makes their way to a big van. You get in the front seat with Sam as everyone else climbs in the back with a lot of high tech looking gadgets.

Sam sets off and the knot in your stomach multiplies by four. You were twisting your hands in your lap and biting your lip, but before your nerves could get any worse you realised you had arrived. Sam had parked around the corner from the entrance so you could get out without being seen and walk in. You took a deep breath as Sam laid a comforting hand on your arm, "you got this Y/N", you gave him a weak smile and a nod before hopping out of the van.

You reach up to your earring and switch it on, greeted by Steve's voice asking if you could hear him, "yeah, I hear you Cap". Before you rounded the corner, you squared your shoulders and took a deep breath. You walked up the many stone steps before entering the building. The hall was huge and you were starting to worry about how long it would take you to make sure you counted every Hydra agent you could. 

You tried walking as confidently as you could, pretending you were more like Natasha, as you made your way to the bar which had a good view of most of the hall. You ordered a vodka and coke and heard Sam whistle low in your ear and Nat chuckle as she said, "Nervous Y/N?". You didn't reply as you took a sip and thanked the bartender. 

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