Chapter Nine: Common Enemy

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         The wind became cool...the trees swayed in the breeze as the clouds passed by. Nothing crossed my mind as the cool air cressed my cheek.
         The sun was lowering, allowing a mix of purples and reds to blanket the sky.
All though this Manor was silent, it still had its beauty. It stood tall amoung the trees as many leaves start to fall from the branches above. I hummed lightly to myself as I sat on the balcony to my room.
       The sky grew darker by the second as the night grew colder. I left my balcony open as I walked to my bed and laid down, closing my eyes as the cool air touched my face. The drowsiness getting to me as my vision blurred, but as I was on the brink of sleep I heard tapping on my window that now sat almost shut.

         Waking up quickly I stood from the bed and moved the curtain to peer outside. The night was quiet, no crickets could be heard as the wind softly blew the curtains away from me, I was so focused on the window that I was caught off guard as a vase next to the vanity fell off the table and shattered as I jumped and spun around to find the source of the noise. As I walked to pick up the glass, I slowed my pace for I felt a presence in the room, but was sadly to slow as my ankle was grabbed and I was swept off my feet. I landed on the ground hard, my hand scarping against the floor, glass piercing my skin as I try to catch myself from impact. I quickly got up and jumped for my wand but was grabbed by my neck and thrown to the wall on the other side of the room. My breath left me as fast as it came. I groaned as I felt blood dripping from the back of my head as my vision blurred. I tried to pick myself up off the ground until I felt cool hands grab me by my arms and lift me.

       With the last of my strength I looked up slowly to see my predator, only to be met with a pair of dark red eyes and white sharp teeth smiling at me. And as I closed my eyes, the last thing I remember is the feeling of his breath on my neck as I quickly lost conciousness.

-Time skip-

         *Lucius P.O.V*

       I couldn't believe the Ministry had me talk to these egotistical creatures. There was no way they'd listen to me. They hate my soul with a burning passion, these godforsaken Vampires.  I sigh as Stephen paces around me as I stand in the middle of a room full of blood thirsty monsters. "Heh, man Luci you've got some nerve coming here, You know." I looked down as I felt his eyes on the back of my head, "Yes," I said with confidence, " I come on behalf of the Ministry, they would like to discuss a treaty," Stephen bellows with laughter, "Of course they do, they are afraid of the return of good old Lord Voldemort," he turns to me with a more serious look, "Lucius you know damn well we have never been part of this war, and we Never will be," I nodded as I listen to him continue, "This is not our problem, we dont care who wins or who loses, I am not going to put my coven in danger because of the Ministry's incompetence!'" I rose my hand to shoosh him. "Alright, I understand, I'll let the Ministry know you are not interested," he smiled wickedly, "Oh hoho know I forgot to tell you, you remember your old pall, Vince?" I narrowed my eyes in malice as he smiled with his teeth glistening. "You told me he was taken care of," he laughted with excitement, "Yes, well, you see he escaped the dungeons last night, and I was sure he hunted your scent, I'm not sure where he ended up, so I would watch your back if I was you," my throat became dry as I tried remembering the last place I was before coming here, then it hit me, Crimson. I growled in my throat as I took off towards the door, "Oh Lucius," I turned to be met with Stephens evil grin two inches away from me, "I would be careful, if I were you, wouldn't want anything to happen to your friend," I took off sprinting as his words filled my ears, and as I made it to the edge of the entrance I aparated mid-run, my stomach turning as I'm transported and taken to Crimsons Manor.

         I land with a light tap. I look around cautiously as I make my way to her porch.    Lightly knocking I receive no answer as I waited impatiently. Finally deciding I needed to find a way in, I unlock the door with a spell, "Alohomora," the door clicks as my hand grips the doornob, twisting it and pushing the door open.
         The entire Manor was quiet nothing was heard other then the rustle of curtains as the wind blew them all around.
       I advance up the stairs toward Crimsons room. As I inched myself down the hall the light from her room shined through, as the door was left ajar. I gulped, my feet kept moving despite my brain telling me to run. I hesitantly pushed the door open and gasped at the horror I was witness to.

        There lay Crimson on the floor with cuts up her arms and hands in a small puddle of her own blood. I ran to her side picking her up into my arms shaking her to wake up, but to no avail.
       Her breath was steady as I examined her body, her ankle was bruised with a handprint, her hands and lower arms were cut and bruised up with pieces of glass sticking out of some of the wounds, her neck had two medium sized holes on the edge of her coller bone, Vince had bit her, but left her alive, I knew they would be back for her.
        I shook my head not sure what to do. Then my mind went straight to the man I knew that could help, I  picked her up and carried her to the bed, I opened the window as I called for my owl. He swooped down with ease as he landed on the window seal with a curious look in his eyes, I grabbed a piece of paper and a quil and scribbled something down, and within seconds had it sent off as I took off my coat and rolled up my sleeve so I could begin healing my friend...

*Severus's P.O.V*

            I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I continued grading papers, the school was abnormally quiet today. The cool dungeon air surrounded me as I lifted myself from my chair finshing the last couple strokes from my quil. I yawned slightly as I made my way to my qaurters and closed the door behind me. I sat next to the fire staring into the flames that occupied my fireplace.
      As I was dosing off I heard tapping on my window, I grunted in annoyance as I pushed myself up and strolled to the partly open window letting Lucius's owl in, he chirped loudly telling me to read the letter as I untied it from his leg. I opened it slowly as I didnt feel like dealing with anyone tonight, that is, until I read Lucius's panicked message.                        


Please come to Crimson Manor quickly, she was attacked by the Vampire Coven. She's lost a lot of blood, I need your help to revive her

P.s we might have a problem

Lucius Malfoy...

Authors notes: Well. This is interesting.....

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