chapter two 💕

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the next few days were the same as the last and nothing really actually happened, i went to a few more 5sos shows and had such fun but something felt off that i just couldn't shake off but i couldn't figure out what until now.

i woke up suddenly and sat up in my cold hotel bed and look at the time, it was 3:45am. i got up for a drink of water and slowly went for a walk downstairs to kill some time when i was walking down the lobby the feeling of panic and worry hit me and the i realize the off feeling i've been having was because how did calum know who i am? i don't even know how i'm supposed to ask him what he meant by he has his ways i left one attachment @ on the email but it went to an account with nothing on it.
i try and just shake it off like it's nothing and think maybe he's mistaken me for one of them bitches from instagram but i can't get over it despite that i know i might not even get an answer from him, lightning doesn't normally strike twice... i feel as though i'm out of luck.

i go into twitter and search 5sos hotel to see if anyone has posted where they're staying tonight of anything, no one had posted anything and i didn't want to be the one to tweet out and ask and initiate it because i don't want to be THAT person, no one wants to be THAT person. i didn't even say a name but i know you're all thinking of someone, perhaps the same person?
i sigh and take myself back up to my room and try get to sleep because i only have a few hours until i have to get up and ready to go to the airport and meet my friends so we can catch our flight.

- -

i wake up later than i planned because i forgot to turn my alarm when i was awake early in the morning. shit. i'm literally running around the hotel room getting everything done as fast as i can so i still make my flight. i finally have everything packed and catch a cab to the airport and am running down to the terminal to catch up with my friend, i slow down to get my boarding pass out of my handbag and feel someone walking awkwardly close behind me so i try to speed up and they do too.

"so you aren't even going to say hi? i know you know i'm here" they eventually say.

i turn around slowly to see who's talking and that's when i see calum but all i can do is stand there blinking and not say anything to him.

"well i can tell when i'm not wanted" he says and turns to walk away.

"yeah, no, cal hi... what's up, what are you doing here?" i stammer.

"what else are people at an airport for" he giggles.

i blush and feel my heart filling but my stomach not knotting, i feel so much more comfortable than i did a couple days ago when we first met.

"cal..." i say slowly making him look up from his phone with acknowledgement while i continue to ask what he meant by that he knew who i was and has his ways.

" i'm sorry" he says.
"i don't know how to answer this without sounding... contradicting or creepy. i'll push you away perhaps"

"it's more creepy that you won't tell me calum" i say raising my eyebrow to him.

"okay fine, but don't say i didn't warn you" he laughs and points at the beach seats to the side and gestures me to follow and sit with him.

i sit with him but tell him that he has to be quick, my fight has already been through security and are about to start boarding any second now.

"speak" i say to him.

"i've known about you for a while to say the least... well, i always recognize you somehow anyway to be honest like you're... different" he explains twisting his rings nervously

"how did you know it was me though that sent the email"

"i watched your account often, i never replied because i didn't want it to be something that it's nig but nevertheless i checked up on you often and one time you did face reveal or something and i was like holy shit, it was comforting really seeing a familiar face i recognized from the few shows you've come too. it's crazy really, somehow you always end up in front of me. you stand out and then the email was just... yeah so... thanks. i always wanted to dm from that and say hi and say thanks but i always was scared it was too late" calum says with a smile.

we sit there in silence for a few seconds and i get a weird feeling over me, i don't know if i should be laughing or crying right now. he's the sweetest boy i have ever met and i've known this for a while, he's so thoughtful and considerate but i can't help but feeling that there is more to calum... i wonder if i can knit pick him deeper?

"thanks calum. it was nice talking to you again but i have to run, we both have flights to catch now i guess"

"see you at the next show" he says with a giggle.

"see you tonight babes, you'll do amazing"

if walls could talk // calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now