chapter eight 💕

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i don't know if it's the jet lag, time zones or being in an unfamiliar household or city but i can't sleep very well and i keep waking up often.
it's 6:10am so i eventually get up out of bed leaving calum to sleep. i walk into the kitchen to make a coffee and get followed by duke thinking that he's going to get food, when he realizes that he isn't he goes running back up the hall to bed with calum.
not long after that though calum appears at the door shirtless.

"good morning" he says sleepily.

"morning calum, do you want a coffee... why aren't you still in bed? you've been on tour aren't you tired" i ask.

"i woke up and rolled over and you weren't there, i was worried" he says.

i hand him a coffee cup and watch him clutch it in his hands. i can't help but look down at his shorts he was wearing to bed, they almost look like pool shorts because they're really long but i ignore it and start patting duke.

"what's the plans for today then" i ask.

"i don't know i thought maybe we could just stay in or something" he says.

he keeps looking at me differently than he has over the last couple of days, it gives me a strange feeling.

"cal" i eventually say
"can you me how to use the shower"

he raises his eyebrow and asks if i want to know how to balance the water control or if i want him to show me how to shower. i laugh and roll my eyes at this but he takes me down and shows me and gives me a towel and shows me where the shampoo and conditioner are. i'm surprised by his organizational abilities to keep things tidy.
he leaves and i get in and start to wash my hair. i get soap in my eyes and have to feel my way around the shower box to find the conditioner but just as soon as i have my hands around the bottle i hear something softly drop, it sounded like a coin or something. i quickly rub my eyes under the water to try get the soap out so i can pick up whatever dropped. when my vision is clear enough to see i bend down and pick it up, it's 4 razor blades. an uneasy feeling washes over me. i open the shower door a little bit and put them on the bath mat for later and finish my shower.

"you okay" i hear calum call suddenly from the door.

"i'm fine" i say and turn the water off and get out.

i wrap my hair in a towel and get changed and pick the razors up again and walk out to cal.

"you survived" he says excitedly.

"yeah cal, look... we have to talk" i say biting my lip.


"who else uses that bathroom? does roy?" i ask clutching the razors in my hand tightly.

"no, he uses the other one why"

i open my hand and he looks wide eyed at them for a few seconds and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"where did you get them" he eventually spits out.

"they fell i knocked something over when i was looking for the conditioner and they FELL. WHAT THE HELL CALUM"

he jumps up from the couch.

"it isn't what it seems" he says trying to snatch them.

i put my arm behind my back and say no.

"there's only two reason you need blades like that. 1. self harm or 2. to finely chop up cocaine and i know you don't do cocaine" i yell.

"what business is it of yours anyway" he screams and snatches them off me.

i start to cry and try get them back and he walks away.

"because i fucking care and don't want you hurting yourself calum" i scream making him stop.

he spins around on his heels and walks towards me slowly.

"you care? you fucking care? no you don't, of course you don't. you say you love me but you're only in this for the clout of course. look, this was a mistake. i would be fine with you knowing i have off days and why but this is too much, you have to go... i'm sorry"


"fine stay, stay here with roy and look after duke, i'll be the one to leave" he says and walks away out the door.

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