chapter ten 💕

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opening my eyes to the early morning sun streaming through calum's bedroom remembering everything that happened yesterday leading to our little ordeal in bed last night. i regret nothing but i'm scared that he is going too.
i go into the kitchen accompanied by duke to make a coffee. i sit down at the table holding onto my cup just thinking about last night, everything happened so quickly and one thing just lead to another.

duke starts pacing around and starts getting excited. i look up from my coffee and see calum standing in the doorway.

"my head is so fucking sore. i don't know how i got home last night but... whatever" he says pulling out a chair.

there it is again, his attitude. i miss the way things were last night when he had his hands all over met and let me love him.
i get up grab him a glass of water too and get 2 advil tablets from my bag and give them to him.

"thanks" he says looking at them weirdly.

"so where did you go" i eventually ask.

he puts his water down after taking his medicine and looks at me concerned then annoyed.

"a mates why" is all i get.

"who" i accidentally ask knowing i should have just let it go at a mate.

"fuck sake, you're not my only friend you know and i don't need to babying me every two seconds but if you HAVE to know i was at ashton's house" he says he bangs his hands on the table.

i wish we could go back to last night again because last night he loved me and he let me love him and be with him.

suddenly i have an idea...

"hey cal" i say slowly.

he looks up from the table to see what i want.

"wanna go out tonight" i say with a little smirk.

he says yes he does but asks why do i suddenly and i didn't seem interested the other day and that's why he thought we could've just stayed in yesterday.

"well unfortunately, you're my only friend here so... you're kinda stuck with me awkwardly following you around" i say making him laugh.

"okay cool, let's go clubbing tonight" he says.

cal leaves to go have a shower and i clap my hands quietly. i really have no interest in clubbing or anything whatsoever but i need cal so badly. i know if i can get him drunk again he'll love me again and i can love him and we can be together.

eventually he come out of the shower, hair wet and dripping on his face and comes into the bedroom where i'm brushing my hair.

"i've been thinking and... i'm sorry if i said anything weird or stupid last night like... i don't know, i've been told i'm too open i guess when i drink so yeah... sorry" he says while pulling on his shirt.

"you didn't say anything bad" i say remembering everything.

he sits down on the bed and watches me tie my hair up in fascination.

"you know what" he says.

i turn around and look at him and he pats the bed next to him for me to sit next to him.

"you're quite alright you know. at first i thought you were just like everyone else and will be driven away but... you're not"

he puts his arm around my shoulder and lets me hug into him.
i can't wait for tonight!

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