chapter seventeen 💕

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i take one look back at ashton before i walk inside calum's house to try and find him and make sure that he's doing alright.
it's very dark and all the curtains are closed shut. the heavy californian rainstorm is not helping with my nerves, heart is pounding in my chest as i walk around.

"cal, it's me and only me" i call.

"promise" he says from his bedroom.

"yeah baby, i promise" i say while walking up to the door where i heard him call from. "it's just me, ashton's outside but i can get him to leave if you want me too but i'll stay"

he opens the door a crack and looks at me through the gap to check that it actually is only me there and i'm not being accompanied by crystal, michael, mitchy or anyone else. he swings the door open and pulls me in slamming it behind him.

"i missed you" he eventually says pulling me into a hug while he sits me down on the bed.

he brings his knees to his chest and puts his head on them and sighs.

"i've been so lost without you actually, i'm going crazy. i can't eat, can't sleep, don't want to talk or see anybody i just want to be with you" he mumbles not making eye contact.

i offer him my hand just like how he's done to me so many times. he doesn't look up but he puts his hand on top of mine and wraps his fingers around.

"you're special" he says to me.

he looks up at me and smiles lifting his other hand and touching my cheek.

"so perfect and soft. you're so warm and loving" he whispers.

we lay down on the bed together for a while and i just hold him while i let him tell me everything that's been on his mind over the last few days and why he is suddenly being so seclusive from everybody, let alone not showing up to work and business meetings with his managers and the boys. suddenly out of nowhere ashton toots the car horn as a signal to ask what's going on. i shot up off the bed and run out to ashton to tell him everything is fine and he can leave, i plan on staying here with calum.
calum follows behind me and i turn around and his eyes are filling up with tears.

"baby, what's wrong" i say pulling him into a hug again.

"you were going to leave me weren't you... WEREN'T YOU?" he screams falling to the floor crying.

"baby no, i was just going to tell ashton that he can-"

he doesn't even let me finish my sentence. he starts crying harder and louder and grabs onto my waist and leg trying to pull me down.

"calum! you need to let go for a second so i can let ashton leave, he's been sitting there for almost an hour" i say trying to prize his fingers and grip from my leg.

"if you walk out the door you won't come back just like everyone else!" he loudly and sharply says.

i get down on my knees to be at his level and try to reason with him. i put my hands on his cheeks and look him right in the eyes to speak to him.

"don't" he says.

"don't what" i ask confused about what i've done wrong now.

"i know that look, don't look at me like that please. i'm sorry for whatever i did to make you hate me. i need you in my life here!" he says in tears again.

i sigh, i wasn't giving him any look, i just wanted to reason with him and i felt like standing up while he's on the ground felt too intimidating to him.
i sit down on the ground in front of him and put my hands back on his and pull him head down and kiss him slowly and softly a few times and he puts his hands on my back gently.

"i'm not going anywhere calum" i finally say when we pull back.

we look up and see ashton standing at the door with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"it seems like things are fine but i still have to ask... everything okay?" ashton says.

calum says everything is fine and thanks ashton for caring about him and bringing me back to him.
ashton leaves and i run calum a warm bath with lots of bubbles then help him get into it.

"i haven't had a bubble bath since i was a little kid!!" he squeals excitedly when he sees the water.

i laugh and help him get in the bath and hold into his wrists gently to make sure he does not slip and get soap in his stitches while getting in they still are healing completely incase the soap the mixture is made from makes them react or itch and hurt him.
he lays down in the bath and lets the warm soapy water mixture wash over him while he sits back and relaxes and just forgets about the world and all of his problems for a while, everything is fixed with a bath.

he falls asleep, it's been almost half an hour when he opens his eyes and he looks surprised.

"you're still here" he says.

i hold up his hand and show that i'm still holding his wrist and he smiles.

"you're kinda annoying cal, you fell asleep and kept trying to roll on your side and i was so scared you were going to get them wet with the amount of splashing around you did. my jeans are ruined, they were white when i came... now they're covered in pink bubble bath soap" i giggle while picking up one of the wet towels from the floor.

he apologizes while i run more hot water in the bath tub and add more soap for him which thrills him a lot. he seems so disappointed when i tell him i'm going to wash his hair then get him out.

"hold your arm up so i can wash your hair" i say to him.

i sit on the back rim part of the tub behind him and wet his hair with the water by putting it in a cup and tipping it over his head gently. i just start rubbing the shampoo into his scalp when he grabs my foot and pulls me down.
i land on my ass with a thud on the bottom of the tub.

"calum, why did you do that" i whine in pain.

"i wanted you here with me" he says

the tub really isn't big enough for him, a grown man in his twenties let alone two of us. he turns himself around and looks at me when i stand up to get out and i can see him getting that look in his eyes and i know he means some serious business. i lean over him and get the shampoo out of his hair then get him out of the bath. i dry his back, his legs and his, arms and chest. i throw the towel at him to dry his own bits.

"what? it's not like you haven't touched it, you did like 3 times before when you were in the tub with me" he jokes and chases me into a corner with it still hanging out.

"calum oh my god, pants on now! just so you know, i really was trying to ignore that it happened and was hoping you wouldn't notice. it was an accident" i scream trying to get away from him.

he drags me back by my foot and laughs.

"i want you" he says biting his lip.

"me too" i whisper.

he picks me up and it happens again... i know deep down this needs to stop. it just feels like an emotional game no ones going to win.

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