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ch. 17 ; dumb bet


i woke up to two people arguing. i didn't dare open my eyes yet, i was too tired to deal with anything yet.

"dude, no. i'm calling it off," i heard matthew tell somebody, he was whispering as if he was trying to not wake me up.

too late.

"you already did it, just accept the money. i get it, you fuck every girl, you don't want a big reward. but here, you earned it." i heard a different deep voice tell matthew.

"quiet down cam, she's gonna hear you! nobody can hear you!" matthew whisper yelled nervously.

yeah i'm definitely going to pretend to stay asleep now. whats the tea?

"dude, she's asleep. besides i think she's too hungover and tired to hear us."

"she can't know, cam. she can't. because i- i- i didn't have sex with her."

"holy shit! you couldn't get her in bed this time, i knew it! she probably denied you as soon as you tried. you know the deal," cam told matthew while laughing softly.

what deal?

"no, cameron. you can't have her. i wished this stupid bet never happened."

what are they talking about?

"well the deal was you get her in bed by saturday, or i get her. you didn't do it, so i call her."

i- i was just a bet. i didn't mean anything to matthew. it was all just a joke.

i heard somebody pushed one another into the wall.

"what the fuck, matthew?" i heard cam whisper yell.

i wanted to wake up and scream right now. but i was gonna stay a little longer to hear what else is happening.

"if i say you can't have her, you can't. i care about her and i'm not letting her go out with a fuckboy like you." i heard matthew angrily say.

"you're the fuckboy. what'd jessica think of this? think you can still sneak away to her house on monday nights when her parents aren't home?"

god, i wanted to cry my heart out right now. it's probably like 8 in the morning and it's already the worst day ever.

"she's in college, she can do whatever she wants. besides, i've never actually hooked up with her. we always stop before it happens."

"since you're still 17." cam trailed off.

so they've never actually hooked up? there was a bit of silence.

"please don't tell her, cam. i just got her back. you remember the stories i used to tell you about her? we're making new ones, now. she's special. please cameron." he pleaded.

"you're one of my best friends, matthew. i just want you to be happy. if she makes you happy, we're going to do everything we can to make sure you get her."

i'm not letting that happen. no one is getting me. i heard them hugging.

"thanks cam."

"i'll see you soon, i'm gonna head out."

"okay. uh cam," i heard matthew call after him.

"don't tell jessica, please. at least, not yet." his voice was shaking.

because he likes her. i heard a bit of stiffness before cameron finally talked.

"i won't. but there will come a day that you have to choose. choose wisely, matthew."

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