Bliss to Horror

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We talked quite a lot the whole week while both of us were trying to find out my address. On my side Bo kept everything locked up.  On Jungkook's side, not much luck. He couldn't ask too much without raising suspicions. 

We were hoping to catch a break over the weekend. In the meantime, we got to know each other. The more I shared though the more frustrated Jungkook got. I needed to switch it up and talk about my life before Bo. It was sad though. My dad had been strict but loving, but also protected from things outside our world. 

I didn't know why he had kept me from so much, but I knew he loved me. 

As we talked I didn't tell him but I was definitely falling for him. 

"Jungkook, if I am able to get out, where would I go? I have nothing."

"Don't worry about that right now. I won't let you get into a situation that is worse than you are in now."

"I have no family left or my father wouldn't have forced me into this marriage."

"Listen to what I am saying Rose, I promise you. I will take care of you."

"I can't go from being a prisoner to being a prisoner, if I leave he will find me unless I hide. If I got any of you hurt or endanger your job or reputation... "

"That won't happen."

"You don't know him like I do. I've lived this way a long time, if I don't screw up he won't hurt me. I would rather live like this forever than get anyone hurt."

"Rose, there is no way in the world that I or anyone else in BTS, could go on with our lives knowing you are in this situation."

"Just think about it, I have to go now though. I need to make dinner." I was tearing up a bit and didn't want him to see it. 

"Rose, I'm falling in love with you."

I hung up. I deleted the days messages and cleared the call log, as I did every day, just in case. It was Friday so when Bo got home I wouldn't get to talk to Jungkook again until Monday. I text messaged him that I would have to power down until Monday and he quickly sent me a sad face and told me it was OK he understood. I powered it down. 

I had lucked out that I was able to charge the phone because we had lots of different things around that took similar cords. I put the phone under my pillow and went out to cook dinner. 

When Bo came home that night he smelled like he had been drinking. It wasn't unusual for him to have a drink before he came home and I didn't think too much about it. 

We ate dinner and afterwards he said he had brought home a movie. We went to sit on the couch and he put it in. It was a romantic one, not his cup of tea but he watched it. While we were watching he continued to drink, which wasn't unusual either, except for the movie of course. Usually we read together or he talked about his day. 

Fridays were a little more awkward because we didn't go to bed as early. After the movie though he started caressing my leg then moved in to kiss me. I tried to act normal and kiss him back but as I did I saw Jungkook's face in my head. I felt tears on my cheeks but if he noticed he didn't say it.

All of the sudden he stood up and reached down and picked me up. He carried me to my bedroom. I did not want to do this and thought about telling him I was on my period but he usually knew when I was so I was worried he would know it was a lie. 

He laid me on my bed, undressed me, then himself. He climbed on top of me and put a hand on either side of me head. He entered me, not carefully, and started thrusting. I had my eyes closed hoping he wouldn't notice that I was not into it. 

"Rose, oh Rose. Look at me." I did as he asked. "Tell me you love me."

He actually didn't give me a chance to say it. He smashed his lips onto mine and cradled my head. I could tell he had already forgotten the request because he was about to lose control and complete. 

All of the sudden there was a clatter as the phone that was stupidly under my pillow fell to the floor.  

"What.. what is that?"

"Nothing! Just knocked off a knick knack silly!" I tried to pull his face to mine. 

"Stop." He got up off the bed and reached down and picked up the phone. 

"Oh. I see." he turned to me and his face was bright red with anger. He powered on the phone and started looking through it. That's when I realized. I sent Jungkook a text after deleting everything. 

"Rose, you always think you are so clever don't you. I should have known. How long?"

"I ..." 

"You what?! Are you going to lie right now? There is a text message on here to JUNGKOOK!" 

"Ok, you were right. He saw the bruise. We have been talking but there is nothing going on I swear! I covered for you!"

"Sure you did. Even if that's true, which I doubt, you have been talking to him all week!"

"I will stop, just destroy the phone! I will never talk to him again."

"You are right about that!"

I tried to grab for my night clothes to cover my nakedness but he grabbed me and dragged me out of my room. 

"You fucking slut! You are trying to ruin me! I knew I was right to be suspicious! You are probably only here today because I changed the lock!"

He threw me into the kitchen counter and knocked the wind out of me. I cried out. 

"Shut up! You whore! I can't believe you did this to me."

"He doesn't know anything, I don't even know our address! Please Bo. I promise I won't talk to him again! No matter what!"

"You are right about that, too!" 

He pulled me up by my hair and stood me up, then punched me in the face and knocked me down again. He kicked me in the stomach and then picked me up again and started dragging me to my bedroom again. I clawed at his grip on me and drew blood.

"You bitch!"

"Please stop Bo! You are hurting me, please!"

He stopped for a moment and looked around. 

"Don't move or I will kill your boy toy."

I didn't move. He went to his bedroom then came back out with a rope. 

"Oh my god! What are you going to do? Please don't hurt me! I will do whatever you want."

He pulled me into my room and threw me on the bed. Then he tied me to the bed posts. Afterwards he started searching my room. Relief for me there because I had nothing else to hide. 

He left the room and I heard him banging around and going from room to room. Then he came back with a glass of water and a pill. 

"Take this." 

I took it. I wasn't going to piss him off anymore. 

It was a sleeping pill....

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