Long after we finished eating lasagne, Alma, Chrissie, Nathan and I were sitting on the floor of my bedroom eating candy, while Nathan glared at us from across the room.
I knew he wasn't really upset with us specifically, he just took what mum would always say about candy being bad for you to heart. Alma offered him a peice as a peace offering. Well, lets just say that didn't go well. He gave her a look cold enough to freeze her brain and turned away from her. He hasn't shown any form of emotion other than irritation all night.
I shot a smile in Nathan's direction to coax him over. He's always seemed to love my smile, I've never really understood why, its not anything spectacular. He stared at me for a while before coming over to sit on top of me. And not in the normal, cute little brother way, I mean he crawled on top of my stomach and didn't come off for quite some time. That was his special way of showing me he was pissed.
I smiled and took another gummy worm in a hope of getting him off of me. I head Chrissie groan as she took another bite of chocolaty goodness.
"I swear, " she said with a mouth full, "I need to fund some way to get to candy land. You know what I'll do when I get there? I'll get married to the first candy man I see." She smiled at me and took another bite of dark chocolate.
About halfway through her plan, Nathan climbed off of me and stared at the bags of candy. He took a strawberry twisler and began to arrange it. For several minutes he was making a ring around himself made of candy.
"Whatcha doing Nathan?" I asked, seriously curious about his candy crop circle. He smiled up at me and pointed at Chrissie. I instantly got it, but it took Chriise another couple of seconds to understand what he was doing. She squealed, (something very un-Chrissie like) and gave him a big hug.
I think someone has a bit of a crush.
We spent most of the night working on Chrissie's candy land portal, adding loads of intricate details. The portal was twislers, with M 'n M's, Skittles, Starbursts, Haribo's and so many other sweets in precise patterns. By the time we finished, it was nearly midnight, so I offered Alma and Chrissie to stay over for the night. Alma called her mum to see if she could and was, obviously allowed to. Her mum could hardly make her walk home alone.
When I offered Chrissie the phone she shrugged it off and told me her mum wouldn't care. I could tell it was a sensitive subject so I decided to leave it.
Long after everyone had fallen asleep, I woke up to hear my dad trying to climb the stairs, breaking more than a few expensive jars, or whatever it is rich people collect. He was obviously drunk and obviously not alone, judging by the giggles of the girl with him and the clicking of ridiculously priced shoes.
I sighed and pretended to be asleep, to save myself the embarrassment of being asked questions in case he woke anyone else up.
A/NI'm soreeee!!
I know I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry if this chapter sucks.
I just got back to school and I'm realizing how hard I'm gonna have to work this year and.... URGGH!
In the summer I used to have all the time in the world to write but now I don't so updates will be probably once a week. I am gonna try and keep them consistent.
Also, if this chapter is short/ looks weird, that's cuz I'm writing on my phone and the layout is waaayyy different.Anyway...
Vote, Comment etc.-Asha (≧∇≦)/
Bits and Pieces {ON PAUSE}
Novela Juvenil"Baby, please don't be like this. If you want I can-" "Don't you 'baby' me, I'm not one of your girlfriends I'm your daughter, remember me? Your daughter?" Summer has spent her life living in London. But when her mother passes away her dad comes in...