Rant 18) Types of Mary-sues part 3

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Okay guys we are back to ripping up some OCs in fanfics again. Oh! If you have a request that you found a fanfic with over powered characters that are beyond Madara Rikudo Tensei level, please do send in via pm!

And let's get the show on the road!

And let's get the show on the road!

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So we all probably read that one fanfic where we turn a character into an utterly asshole in the fanfic making the characters OOC. Like ffs I don't want to see anymore Sakura Jerk-sues or her sister prodigy as a jerk-bully to everyone else. Like COME ON YOU GUYS!! And a lot of characters that are canon will tolerate and WORSHIP what ever character is the main jerk in the fanfic. So, please if you are edgy in real life that likes this sort of pain... don't thrust this garbage down our throats. I don't want to read the prodigy sister of Sakura who thinks she is the absolute best beating the fuck out of Naruto worst than Sakura.

Example: Dario is a boy from the academy and the son of Jiraiya every day would destroy the walls, punch kids in the face, nuke Sasuke to an oblivion and still! He receives the greatest closure from everyone else. He calls Sakura names trying to get in her 'you know what' and tried to kill Naruto 383838 times in the hallways. So he's the best!


These characters aren't as popular in Naruto fanfics. Maybe some Harry Potter fics on this website. But, we do create that one characters that's below a supporting character who's a slut that sleeps around with anything that moves, and lastly the other characters who have SLEPT with this character would want them more. So if there is any weird fetishes this character has, the other character feels the same way!

Example: Illya couldn't stand being away from SASUKE since he broke up with her for Sakura, so she needed an absolute rebound off the start. She bounced from 4 different guys from the Konoha's red light district, she then had tens of hundreds of boys chasing her because they wanted more of her after a one night stand. Will Sasuke take her back now? She wanted to find out since she can't keep those damn legs closed.


Yikes so we have this one. This Mary-sue is basically a pure-sue without the purity part. Imagine a character that's okay having flaws which are just handed to them at any moments. Like I've told you about that one Madara story with the Rinnegan bullshit. So instead she gained a power "hand waved" out of know where. And this OC is in fact okay having flaws which is why she gets her ass kicked and SHE has the Rinnegan eyes. This type of sue can do absolutely anything basically. And like I've mentioned with Hashirama's sister who was infatuated with Madara over here, she is in fact a Neutrality-sue.

She can randomly devoid emotions, go from dead panned to fucking unstable out of control type. This type of sue has a lot of other sues combined so you can get the hint here. They love to be an extreme case, and thus, can do anything in between the lines.

Example: Sayuriama the sister of Senju Hashirama was always locked away in her room. She can't leave or go out and finally she manages to leave the compound when her bedroom was locked up in extreme cases. She meets Madara down by the river trying to reach to him which she does. She basically has no flaws but Sayuriama is a special case because even if she did have flaws, she would be fine with it. She can fix anything to make a little spice happening and later on Izuna dies from a heart stroke. She later dies and is revived by Kabuto as the anti-sue/villain now ready to bombard the battlefield and there, she is met with her one and only Madara.

The end.

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