Chapter 4: San Diego Comic Con (Day 1)

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Skye Pov

All to soon, Jared's alarm goes off in the morning, and I quietly curse under my breath.

"Rise and shine Skye." Jared says, and I roll over, trying to get just a little more sleep. Suddenly the cool air is on my legs, and I feel Jared tickling my feet.

"Jared! Stop, that tickles." I say, kicking my feet and laughing. "Alright, I'm up, I'm up!" Jared heads into the bathroom to take a shower, and I quickly get changed into an Always Keep Fighting shirt, Jean shorts, and black Nike tennis shoes.

I put one of my hats on backwards before grabbing my phone. I quietly wait for Jared to get ready before we both head down to the Green room to get something to eat before Jared, Jensen, and Misha's first panel of the day.

"Oh my god, Jared, is that Richard Speight Jr?" I ask, gesturing towards the actor that just walked in.

"Let me guess, Gabriel is your favorite character?" Jared says, and I nod.

"But don't worry, Sam's my second favorite." I tease back, then Jared waves Richard over.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Richard asks, sitting down across from Jared and I with a plate of his own.

"My daughter Skye here is a bit of a Gabriel fan." Jared says, and I hide my face, as I'm certain that I'm blushing deeply.

"Could you pretty please sign my phone case?" I ask, and Richard smiles.

"Sure kiddo." Richard says, and I hand him my phone. He signs the case with a Sharpie before handing it back to me.

"Thank you." I say, totally fangirling on the inside.

"If you guys don't mind, I'd like to bring out a special person in my life." Jared says into the microphone, and I try not to have an anxiety attack. I do my calming breaths, and I'm calmed down after a few moments. "As some of you may know, Gen and I recently welcomed another kiddo into our family via adoption." Jared now walks over to the side of the stage where I'm standing at. "Welcome to the stage, Miss Skye Padalecki!"

Jared grabs my hand, and leads me onstage to an empty chair that somebody brought out for me.

"So Skye, how are you liking your first convention so far?" Jensen asks me, trying to make me feel comfortable, and one of the stage hands gets a mic and hands it to me.

"It's been very exciting. I've never gotten to do this before, and I also got to meet one of my favorite characters this morning, so that was pretty cool." I say, then Jensen, Jared, and Misha all smile.

I clip the microphone onto the microphone stand in front of my chair, and just hang out for a little while on stage while the guys answer some questions.

"Alright, the girl in the front row. Hey, what's your name?" Misha asks, and the girl stands up.

"I'm Abby. My question is for Skye, if that's okay." Abby replies, and I smile, grabbing the mic off it's stand.

"You're good, what's up?" I say into my mic, and Abby turns her attention towards me.

"I was wondering, how is it living with Jared and Gen?" Abby asks, and I laugh quietly.

"Well, it's fun to say the least. I've never lived with kids younger than me, so it's something new." I say, shaking my head and laughing quietly again. "I already love Tom, Shepp, and Odette as if they were my siblings since birth. I love Jared and Gen like my blood parents, and I couldn't be happier that they adopted me."

"Did you have fun today?" Gen asks over FaceTime, and I smile.

"Yeah, it was lots of fun. I got asked a few questions, took a few pictutes with fans, and I met Richard Speight Jr, and he's one of my favorite actors. He even signed my phone case." I say, and Gen laughs.

"That's cool kiddo. Listen, I gotta get off of here to put the kids to bed, but be safe and have a fun day tomorrow, alright? Jared told me earlier that he has a prize for you tomorrow." Gen tells me, and I nod.

"Gen, before you go, I have a quick question." I say, and Gen looks at me sweetly. "Is it okay if I called you Mom, and I called Jared Dad?"

"Of course kiddo. I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later. Bye Skye." Gen says, and I say goodbye before ending the call.

I quickly climb under the covers after plugging my phone in, and I slowly fall asleep.

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