Chapter 30: Twin's First Comic Con

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Four years later
Skye Pov

"Are you guys ready?" I ask the twins, who are practically bouncing with excitement. They both nod, and I pick them up, Samantha on my left hip and Sebastian on my right hip.

"So, do you guys mind if I bring a cute girl onto the stage?" Tom asks, and before the audience can go crazy, he speaks up again. "But you have to be calm and quiet, she doesn't like loud noises."

"Can I go to Daddy now?" Samantha asks, looking at Tom then looking at me.

"Go get Daddy princess." I say, letting Samantha onto the ground carefully. Of course she runs straight over to Tom on her cute little kid legs.

"Everybody, this is my six year old daughter Samantha. Can you say hi to all of the nice people Sami?" Tom asks, putting the microphone to Samantha's mouth.

"Hi." Samantha says in her cute voice, and the whole audience awes.

"Should we bring your brother out here Sami?" Tom asks, and Samantha nods, then she lays her head down on Tom's shoulder. "Alright buddy, you heard your sister. Come out here." Sebastian gives me a kiss on the cheek before running straighr across the stage to Tom. "Guys, this is Sami's older twin Sebastian. Can you say Hi to all of the nice people Sebby?" Sebastian of course shakes his head no. He's shy like me.

"So one last thing before we leave. My beautiful wife has a surprise she wants to share with all of us. Come on out Skye." Tom says, and the twins stay seated while I walk across the stage to Tom. "What's the big surprise you have for us love?"

"Here." I say, handing Tom my positive pregnancy test.

"This this what I think it is?" Tom asks, and I nod. "Guys, I'm gonna be a dad again!"

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