Chapter One: One Step Back

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It had been a Sunday when he'd found out.

Hawks hadn't thought much of Enji being more distracted then normal. He hadn't thought much of Enji being to hang out less. He just figured he was just busy worrying about a test and would pop back to normal in no time.

He should have been tipped off when Toshinori started asking questions about him. He should have suspected something when Enji started to relax a bit around the other students, occasionally even talking to those he normally ignored.

He should have known that Enji wouldn't wait, after all, he knew how impatient his best friend tended to be.

But instead Hawks had been shocked to his core when he'd come back from his daily flight to find Enji and Toshinori curled up on one of the dorms couches together, looking relaxed and for all the world as if nothing else mattered aside from sitting together.

It had felt like the whole world came to a screeching halt.

Of course he had to play along: Give his congratulations, smiling and joking all while his heart twisted and ripped apart in a thousand different ways.

When the other students came in and see it was full of yelled congratulations and passing money from one person to another, Hawks smiling as it happened, feeling like a knife was being twisted in his chest.

One Sunday, almost over a month ago...

And yet it still ached as fresh as when he'd first been brought back from his little fantasies.

He really only had himself to blame, if he'd given a sign, or made a move. But instead he'd let his feelings go unsaid, thinking that Enji would just wait for him forever...

But he hadn't, and now Hawks got to watch in misery as Enji and Toshinori acted like an adorable couple together.

Hawks tried to not let it get to him, but it was difficult to deal with all of the emotions that screamed for attention as he watched the person he'd been in love with since middle school dating a person he'd thought would never be a threat to his position with Enji.

Looks like you were wrong on that. Hawks thought miserably to himself as he watched Enji lean against Toshinori slightly while the two watched tv.

Hawks silently turned from the scene before him and headed to the door. He needed fresh air, and he needed it now.

The cooling air stung his hands and face as he shot into the air, reaching for the clouds and sky above him in an attempt to escape his ever crushing thoughts.

Finally his feet met the rooftop of the school dorms and Hawks slumped down into a sitting position on the edge.

Hawks began to pick at his fingernails as he stared at the trees below.

It was hard, pretending to not be bothered, but Hawks knew he had too, after all...Enji was happy. No one could deny that. He of course was still the same rough and harsh person he'd been since Hawks could remember but now Enji also had moments of just...softness, and he was clearly very close with Toshinori no matter how much Hawks wished he could block it out.

It took me years to get him to trust me. Then all Yagi had to do was pay attention to him for a few days...

"Why are you up here?"

Hawks yelped as he almost fell off the edge, flapping his wings to steady himself before turning to look up at a familiar creepy face.

Chizome Akaguro, by far the student who Hawks wanted to interact with the least. Strange, always looking as though he was about to pass out or die, and not to mention the fact that he had a bad habit of clearly zoning out when someone talked to him.

Although it might have just been Hawks imagination, but at the moment Chizome looked a little more alert then normal.

Chizome glanced to the edge of the building then to Hawks. " I have to guess or something...?"

Whoops. Hawks could slap himself as he realized he'd been just staring at Chizome for a painfully long moment of silence. "Oh, just enjoying the view. It's pretty great up here."

Chizome narrowed his eyes at Hawks for a moment, then silently made his way over.

For a moment Hawks wings bristled, ready to fight or fly away if need be, making him feel slightly embarrassed when Chizome merely sat on the edge next to him.

" planning on...staying?" Hawks couldn't hide the shock from his voice.

Chizome shrugged. "Like you said. Nice view."

Okay this is weird. Well, weirder then normal, what does he want?

Hawks looked out at the grounds again, trying to relax but finding it very hard to with Chizome sitting next to him, silent and not at all a comforting presence.

Hawks let out a puff of air. "So...why did you come up here?"

Chizome jerked slightly, eyes narrowing a moment. "Why."

"Yeah, why? You asked me I figured I could ask you the same." Hawks managed to force a cocky smile.

For a moment Hawks is wondered if Chizome would just refuse to answer, but to his surprise he eventually spoke. "...Couldn't sleep. Too hot in the dorms."

Hawks crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned back a bit. "Yeah, it has been pretty hot, but not unbearable for the most part." Hawks tapped his fingers slightly.

Chizome let out a sharp and jarring laugh. "It's hotter then hell in my room."

It was almost unnatural hearing Chizome actually laugh, it was like seeing Toshinori angry or Enji nervous, just didn't fit.

"Well that sucks, maybe you should try and find somewhere cold and dark to curl up in?" Hawks started to swing his legs, bouncing his heels off the wall.

"Easier said then done..." Chizome's eyes seemed to gloss over a moment. Without another word he stood up.

"Wait-!" Hawks cut himself off, unsure of what he was going to say in the first place.

Chizome pauses to stare at Hawks. "...yes?"

Hawks fluffed his wings up, embarrassment seeping in. "Well I...just...Thanks." Nailed it.

"...your welcome?" Chizome shifted for a moment, seemingly waiting for Hawks to continue.

He quickly turned away again, pulling his wings close to his sides uncomfortably. After a moment Hawks could hear Chizome walking away and closing the door off the rooftop.

The moment he was sure he was alone again Hawks sagged, sighing as he brushed his hair from his eyes. This is the bed you made Hawks...

Guess it's time to get used to lying in it.
Hello lovelys~!
I'm back with a new fic! One that has been...much harder to write in comparison to the last one lol.
This is the sequel to Burnt Hands Warm Hearts And will address more of the aftermath of what happened along with some new stuff!
Hopefully you will enjoy this story as much as the last, but in any case, have a lovely day!

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