Chapter Five: One Small Step

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Today's the day. Hawks looked around, lightly kicking at the ground.

The alleged meeting place was grim and caused his wings to bristle of their own accord. The cold shadow of the bridge above them and the lack of any nearby sounds made it feel too abandoned for Hawks liking.

When was that guy supposed to get here? It feels like I've been waiting here way too long...did I come to the right place? Man that would suck. Getting all hyped up to do this only to go to the wrong place- Hawks cut off his thoughts with a quick head shake.

Focus, damn it. This stuff is serious. Just hang tight. He's probably just trying to get you to quit or scamper off by waiting or something.

Hawks huffed, rubbing his arms vigorously to keep the feeling in them.

"Damn asshole making me wait..."

"Aw, such mean words. You'll make me cry."

Hawks nearly jumped out of his skin spinning to face off a taller teen who seemingly had appeared from nowhere. His leather jacket, black hair, and...odd scarring enough to let Hawks know this is who he was supposed to be meeting up with.

The man smirked clearly pleased with being able to startle Hawks, half leaning against one of the bridges pillars. "So, you're the one who is supposed to be joining up huh?"

"Correct." Hawks quickly forced a calm smile, absent mindedly running his fingertips against his feathers to self soothe. "I hope you aren't always this late?"

"So what if I am?" The man stuck his hands in his pockets before narrowing his eyes at Hawks. It took everything in him to not back away. "'re not the one asking the questions today, kid. Hope you're feeling truthful, because we'll find out if you're not being honest."

Hawks held back a shiver as he forced his confident smile wider. "Nothing to hide. Ask away."

It gave him a brief moment of satisfaction to see the smirk on the mans face waver a moment.

"Fine, name?"

"Takami Keigo, but just call me Hawks."


Easy as pie. "It's called 'Fierce Wings'. Let's me fly and stuff. I can also pull feathers out to use for other stuff." He leans back on his heels slightly, doing all he can to seem at ease.

Dabi stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Right, skills?"

"I'm fast, got really good eyesight, and can multitask." Simple to say, same stuff he told the teachers back at UA.

"Good. So...what exactly brings a student like you to our little organization."

The answer might surprise you. Hawks smiled, allowing his instincts and years of faking confidence to seep in. "Oh you know, just doing my best to make the world better. Too many villains out there if you ask me, and I personally hope for a world where hero's can simply take a break without worry and have plenty of time to relax. Can't do that as the world is now, and you guys seem to be making I want in."

Uncomfortable silence fell as the last words left Hawks lips. Dabi silently watching him as if he could find out his motives by simply watching him for long enough.

It took everything in Hawks to not shift, to not fidget, but he forced himself to stay outwardly calm and unmoved.

Dabi nodded, a crooked smirk crossing his face. "Alright, kid, you least the first test."

Hawks barely stopped himself from sagging in relief. "Had no doubts I wouldn't...whats the next test?"

"Oh, we'll contact you when it's time for that." Dabi walked past Hawks, patronizingly patting his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll get to see just how much you'd like to join our organization soon enough."

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