Chapter Four: Two Steps Forward

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Stepping out of the room that smelled of blood to the makeshift bar that Kurogiri ran was like stepping from one world to another. Feeling much more like the world of studying for exams and making friends then the world of criminals and secrets that he kept constantly.

Chizome grabbed one of the rags Kurogiri kept on the counter and carefully wiped the red from his hands.

Shigaraki looked up from where he was playing video games on one of the overstuffed couches that Kurogiri had brought into his bar. "He talked?"

"After much pulling of teeth..." Chizome muttered. " Toga, no actual teeth were pulled."

Toga lowered her hand with a frown. "You're no fun." She stuck her lip out in a pout as she leaned back against Bubaigawara who was frantically pushing buttons on his own controller, clearly loosing against Shigaraki who was casually pressing buttons and tilting his head every once in a while.

Chizome sighed, sitting down on one of the barstools having to quickly grab the bar when it shook violently.

"I probably should invest in some better stools." Kurogiri's voice was light with amusement as he finished polishing the glass in his hands.

He couldn't dignify that with a response so instead Chizome just allowed his forehead to hit the countertop with a groan.

How long has it been since I've gotten more then two hours of sleep...? Too long. That's for sure. If I head back now I could probably catch at least an hour before I have to get up for class-

His thoughts were cut off by an uncomfortably warm presence right beside him. Chizome counted to ten in his head, praying for patience before sitting up to glare at a smug Dabi.


"Now that we aren't on a mission, and you're done extracting information...I wanted to finish our little chat on the roof." Dabi grinned as he leaned on his elbows, tilting his head.

Chizome let out a long sigh. "...Of course you do." Chizome had been hoping he'd forget. But no, it can never be that simple can it.

"Yes, I do." Dabi smirked, batting his eyes as he leaned a bit closer. "I was going to ask if you'd be at all free this weekend...I know some nice out of the way café where no one would think to look twice-"

"No. Got homework." An ever growing pile of homework he had barely made a dent in before having to slip out for this whole situation.

Dabi leaned too close, his strange heat making Chizome shift away slightly. "I could help-"

Shigaraki abruptly stood up, murder in his eyes. "No you can't!"

Awkward silence stretched through the bar.

Kurogiri let out a soft cough. "What Shigaraki means to say is, you'll be busy Dabi."

Well isn't it my lucky day?

"What?!" Dabi turned to scowl at Shigaraki. "You said I'd get this weekend off! It's Toga and Bubaigawara's turn to run patrols-!"

"It isn't patrols we're having you do." Kurogiri said soothingly as he walked over.

Shigaraki's eyes held no less murder as he carefully crossed his arms, ignoring Bubaigawara who was desperately trying to lean around him to see the screen. "Yeah. Like Kurogiri said. Something popped up and you're the only one we can stick it too."

Dabi let out a low growl and Kurogiri took the chance to quickly bring the attention back to him. "We have gotten contacted by a new potential recruit."

"Ooooooo~!" Toga clapped excitedly. "I can't wait to meet them~!"

Dabi held a few more tense moments of eye contact with Shigaraki before spitting out through gritted teeth: "Fine." He turned to give Chizome a lazy smirk and a wink. "Guess it'll have to wait till another time?"

Chizome didn't dignify that with a response either.

Dabi strode off, probably to practice his initiation speech(read, threat), as slowly Shigaraki went back to the game.

He waited a few more minutes before standing up and grabbing his jacket from the front. "Going back to U.A."

Kurogiri nodded . "Safe travels."

"Yeah. I'll try." Chizome flipped his hood up before stepping outside and into the cold night air. The sounds of distant activity whispering through the wind as he heading back towards the school, hoping for a chance at rest.
"-Guro? Akaguro?"

Chizome bolted upright. Nearly falling over as everything in his brain screamed run and fight and danger-

Only to see a confused looking Hawks standing not too far away.

"What." Chizome hissed, brain clouded from lingering panic and his still sleep drugged brain.

Hawks held his hands up, taking a step back. "No need to be so hostile! I just noticed you out cold and figured you'd want someone to wake you up."

And since when did Enji Todoroki's pet shadow care about what I'd want?

Since when did Hawks think about me at all?

Chizome shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. He stood up, noting the empty classroom he reached for the books starting to slip off his desk to shove into his backpack.

A tap on his shoulder caught his attention again. Chizome slowly looked over at Hawks, who was shockingly still standing and watching him still.

"...You want something...?" Chizome narrowed his eyes.

"No! Course not!" Hawks laughed, a lopsided grin twisting his face as he draped an arm across Chizome's shoulders suddenly pulling Chizome down a bit towards Hawks level. "Just wanted to thank you again for letting me eat with you and your friends yesterday!"

Yeah. Sure. Friends.

"There' need to thank me." Chizome found himself being forced along, Hawks walking as if this was somehow comfortable and easy. Chizome vaguely noticing they were close enough for him to hear Hawks breathing and watch the rise and fall of his chest.

"Aw don't be like that. Really just let me thank you!" Hawks chuckled, tugging Chizome tightly against his side as they walked.

Chizome swallowed hard, turning his gaze downwards. "...Fine. Your welcome."

"See! That's what I'm talking about, owning being thanked!" Hawks laughed as he steered Chizome towards the dining hall.

Chizome shrugged off Hawks arm, straightening his back a bit as he glanced over at Hawks.

He's trying so hard to seem carefree... the tension in his face didn't match the facade. The broad smile not reaching his eyes and a stiffness to his shoulders. Something has him worried.

He was half tempted to ask what was wrong.

"Sitting with us again?"

Hawks' jaw dropped a moment as he looked over, eyes widening. "Um-I suppose? I mean if you don't mind-"

"Wouldn't have asked if I did." Chizome rubbed his eyes, wishing desperately the weight on them would leave. When Chizome looked over again Hawks was staring at him, causing him to hunch his shoulders defensively. "...why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing just...I don't know. Always had the impression you didn't really like..." Hawks paused a moment. "...people."

Sure, that's what you meant to say. He's trying so hard to preserve my feelings...which just makes today weirder.

"I don't." Chizome turned and walked into the dining hall, allowing the sound all around him to swallow whatever further questions Hawks might've tried to ask up.

He was too tired to explain himself anyways.

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