Chapter Six: Can't Step Too Far

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Hawks tugged his jacket closer to his sides, his heart tapping a frantic beat against his ribcage.

Dabi roughly grabbed one of Hawks shoulders, it taking everything in him to not try to jerk away. "Relax." Dabi's smirk was anything but reassuring.

"I'm plenty relaxed." Hawks tried to smile but it was hard to force his lips to move. "Mind telling me what I'll be doing here?"

"Don't worry, you won't be doing much...just playing a bit of lookout. I'm sure such a thing won't be a problem?"

Hawks swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "Course, not a problem at all."

"Good." Dabi smirked before half shoving him forwards. "Then all that's needed are some quick introductions to the team."

Hawks felt ill as he took in the group before him.

A tall teen wearing a mask stood next to a short girl with two messy buns on her head and wore a slightly too big mask on her face, and not to far from them stood another teen probably only a year or so older then Hawks himself with pale ragged blue hair.

Dabi strolled over. "That's Jin Bubaigawara or Twice, that's Himiko Toga, and the mop head over there is Shigaraki Tomura-" Dabi came to an abrupt halt as a frown crossed his face. "Um...where's-"


The deep voice behind his shoulder caused Hawks to involuntarily squeak and jump aside.

Blood red eyes stared at him behind a ragged mask, black hair tied back slightly as leather and holsters full of knives and swords crossed over a muscular but compact figure.

Hawks swallowed hard.

"You will call me Stain." There was no request in that sentence, if not for the fear that made his tongue feel like lead he'd probably say 'yes sir'.

Dabi visibly perked up at Stains appearance. "Aw there you are!" Dabi started towards Stain only for him to quickly duck past him and moving quickly towards the docs.

"No time. You all know the plan."

"You all know the plan." Shigaraki mocked in an over exaggerated deep voice as he stalked after him.

Hawks jumped slightly as he felt a hand on his arm, only to look down and see Toga had apparently decided to come over.

Toga's eyes were sparkling with a sort of mischief that Hawks really didn't want to deal with. "He's just bitter because Dabi doesn't like him as much as he likes Stain~"

"...You don't say?" Hawks tried to sound genuinely interested despite the fact he couldn't find a way to possibly care right now.

"It's a shame too." Hawks jumped as the other one-Twice?-had appeared at his other elbow. "Because I have money on them."


Before either has time to elaborate Dabi is walking towards the docs. "Come on! Hawks, stay here and keep watch!"

And suddenly, Hawks is all alone.

Hawks let out a shaky breath as he situated himself slightly in a corner. He was almost grateful to be on guard duty, he had no idea what he'd do if he'd been forced join in.

He breaths in the cool air...and waits.
The smell of blood is sharp in the air. Stain swings his sword sharply, flicking the blood coating it onto the ground in one swift movement. He turned in time to watch Twice move the boxes into the back of the old truck they used for such occasions.

Toga happily skipped in, blood staining the front of the sweater she wore. "My sector is clear!"

"Same here." Dabi walked in, hands shoved in his pockets. "But it won't take long for the rest of them to realize what we're doing."

"Good, maybe if they figure out we aren't stopping they'll stop trying to set up shop here." Shigaraki glared with a twisted sort of delight at the boxes of 'supplies' the organization had decided to bring in.

This would be the fourth supply drop they'd taken control of from this group, and yet Stain had a grim feeling this wasn't even close to the end of it.

Stain turned on his heel and started down to where he knew there'd be more guards posted.

"Stain-" Dabi reached out to grab him.

"Leaving a message." Stain yanked free of Davis grip before darting into the shadows.

Kill most of them, leave one just hurt enough to pass along a message. Don't get caught.

A simple plan. The plan that was drilled into his head for better or worse.

The best way to make sure their message was clear.

The metallic twang of blood that drifted through the air was almost unbearable, but he swallowed the taste and did the job needed of him, silencing the screams before they even started.

It was the part of the job that the others couldn't do. They didn't understand the importance of it, despite knowing how important their missions were to the city they never understood. As far as Twice, Dabi, and Toga were concerned they could just keep killing every criminal who tried to come into this city.

But that wasn't true, unless they made it clear to everyone why no villain would last in their city they would keep coming.

Still didn't make it pleasant when he had to corner the finial terrified goon and give him the message.

Yet Stain was the only one who could.

He sheathed the sword carefully before heading back to the spot. The others had finished loading the truck. Stain almost heaved a sigh of relief until he heard fast approaching footsteps.

Without a thought and drew a knife and turned with it at the ready-

-Only to stop short just as a squeak escaped Hawks, his eyes widening with fear.

"What." Stain growled out, his own heart rate jumping.

The police. Heroes. Someone is on their way because they found out.

"I-I just saw a bunch of cars on their way to the docs so figured you'd want the heads up." Hawks eyed the knife still half pointed at his neck nervously.


Stain quickly sheathed the knife before turning to the others. "We've got company on the way." He grabbed them back of Hawks jacket and shoved him forwards towards the truck, almost wincing when he saw him flinch but forcing himself to stay steeled. "Get in the truck we gotta go."

The others didn't need to be told twice as they piled in hastily, Toga, Twice, and Shigaraki had smashed into the front leaving Hawks, himself and...Dabi to the back.

He tried to ignore the annoyance that sprung up as the moment he swung in Dabi inched closer. You can handle it later, for now, staying alive.

The trucks engine sputtered to life as it jerked forwards. As the soft creeping light from headlights approached a dark mist swirled up swallowing the truck and all those inside without a trace.
"Looks like another attack from those wanna be criminals boss." The man shook his head in slight disbelief as he looked at their dead men lined up.

"We have it hard enough as it is when it comes to competition and now there's this..." The boss slowly turned one ring on his finger, glaring at the ground a moment before turning to one of the others standing by the car. "Take a note...we need to find out what bastards did this...

"And take care of them."

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