Chapter Three: Don't Trip

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"Soooooooo..." Dabi leaned in close-too close-a smile curling his lips. "I'd say we make a great team don't you?"

Stain leaned away from Dabi, keeping his attention on the street below. "I would hardly say that."

"Come on I'm being serious." Dabi huffed, the smile starting to melt off his face.

"So am I."

Dabi wrapped an arm around Stains shoulders. "Listen, I think that we both know that we work best together on these missions-"

"Like the one we are on right now." Stain pushed Dabi's arm off, watching Dabi scowl out of the corner of his eye.

It was certainly getting more irritating interacting with Dabi now that what had been respect had morphed into...this. The flirting Stain could handle, although the death glares he got from Shigaraki were starting to get frustrating since it should be perfectly clear he wanted nothing to do with Dabi's feelings.

Unfortunately for Stain, they did work well on these missions together, which left him stuck with the flirty older teen night after night with a single question in his mind.


If he doesn't drop it I'm going to scream.

"Would you happen to be-"

"Shh." Stain leaned forwards, a surge of relief washing through him as he spotted what they'd been waiting for.

A group of thugs swaggered down the ally, five in total, four of them dragging creates while one appeared to be watching the entrance for cops or heroes.

They always do look in the wrong directions.

Stain gripped one of his swords, the familiar feeling of leather helping focus his thoughts.

Five, more then was expected. With Dabi's help it won't be too much harder but still I'll need to be careful, staying out of his way and taking them out. Good thing we've practiced this.

Dabi glanced over at Stain, finally serious and ready for the fight ahead.

Stain tensed his muscles, waiting for the right moment to strike...and like magic the opportunity opened when one of the thugs dropped a box on his foot and let out a loud swear.

The moment the others turned to shush him Stain dropped, digging his blade into the back of the member furthest in. The man barely had time to cry out before he was crumpled to the ground and Stain was moving again.

Freedom seemed to fill his lungs as he moved, another thug downed with a drop of blood from one of the swords in Stains hand.

Blue flashed brightly from the corner of his eye, all he needed to know that Dabi was taking care of the other two.

Pain shot down Stains arm as his ears suddenly rang from a loud sound. Hot liquid running down his arm baring a smell he knew well.

Stain grit his teeth as he turned in time to see the thug fleeing past Dabi who was finishing off the other two.

That'll come back to bite us. He watched as the thug vanished out of sight. Must have had some sort of speed quirk.

"Hey, you're bleeding." Dabi walked over, the bored expression on his face not matching the concern in his eyes.

Stain shrugged only to wince at the pain that burned down his arm. "Just a scratch. Time to head back. We have what we want."

He looked down at the paralyzed man staring up at them in terror. "L-listen I'm sure-sure we can make a-"

A sharp crack from the blunt end of Stains sword quickly silenced him. Dabi sighed and grumbled something under his breath before grabbing the man under the arms and hauling him up.

A soft hissing noise caused them to turn as they watched Kurogiri's portal seep into life.

As they stepped through they left the alleyway silent and cold. Only fulled with the bodies of the thugs, and the creates which would be forgotten long afterwards.
Being called to the principals office was always terrifying.

When Hawks was younger he'd done his best to be a model student, not wanting to be called in. Enji always got called to the principals office, he had never explained why to Hawks but he could guess from how bruised Enjis knuckles got and the 'mystery' bruises that always were popping up.

So to say it was not only terrifying, but shocking that Hawks had been told by one of his teachers that Principal Nedzu wanted to speak with him was a complete understatement.

Hawks slowly stepped in, swallowing hard as he made his way forward to sit at the desk.

Nedzu was calmly sipping tea from where he sat. "Aw Hawks, so glad you could come."

"Did I do something wrong sir?" Hawks tried to not squeak out, nervous energy making him dance a bit in the chair.

"No no, I just have something to ask if you Hawks." Nedzu put the teacup down.

Before Hawks could ask 'what?' Nedzu had pushed an open file in front of Hawks. As he picked it up snippets of newspapers caught his eye.

League of villains strikes again.

Three found dead, League suspected.

"Um...what is this?" Hawks asked slowly as he looked the papers over.

"A self proclaimed group of 'vigilantes' have been killing criminals." Nedzu crossed his hands. "As you know, this is illegal in multiple ways. Most papers have taken to calling them the 'League of Villains'."

Hawks's mouth went dry. "I it okay if I ask what this has to do with me?"

Nedzu smiled. "You're a smart boy, I'm sure you can guess."

Hawks looked down at the papers. " want me to help stop them?"

Nedzu nodded.

Hawks put the folder down. "Listen I'm sorry if this sounds rude but-How am I, a student, supposed to help take this thing down?"

Nedzu let out a cackle, making Hawks jump back slightly. "Simple! You are going to infiltrate them! Get their trust, find out their secrets then report back to me!"

Hawks head was spinning. "I-I'm not sure if I-"

"Nonsense! You'll do great! Go rest up Hawks because you have a busy day tomorrow!"

And just like that Hawks felt that he'd lost control in yet another part of his life.

And also decided that no matter what, going to the principal sucked.
Ta-da! The plot starts to thicken...

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading! Have a great week lovelies!

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