Chapter Two: Watch Your Feet

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Schoolwork wasn't the most fun thing, but to Hawks it was currently a life saver.

Not only did it give him something to focus on, it also gave him an excuse to hide in his room once returning to the dorms. Not to mention that Toshinori and Enji couldn't be together as much when focusing on class.

Not that any of those advantages made classes any more tolerable or enjoyable to Hawks.

Hawks groaned, allowing his head to thunk against his desk. This is ridiculous, will I ever actually need to know this?!

Hawks lifted his head again, staring down at the mess of numbers on the page in front of him.

Sighing Hawks glanced around the room, checking to see if anyone else was having his troubles.

Most of the other students were fully absorbed in the work, although a few were clearly blanking from their expressions.

Hawks found his gaze lingering on the hunched over form of Chizome by the window, guessing from the way he was slumped over he was either concentrating very hard or had finally passed out from exhaustion.

Hawks turned his gaze away, only for it to catch on Enji's back. Stiff and straight as always, shoulders held back as if to show off just how broad he was.

Damn it. Hawks forced himself to look down at his paper again, shame burning under his skin. I really need to stop feeling like this.

When the bell rang Hawks was more then ready to go and mindlessly eat lunch, in fact it sounded like the best way to spend lunch.

However that hope dropped like a stone in his stomach when he saw Toshinori link arms with Enji, large grin on his face before kissing his cheek. Enji cracked a brief smile before muttering something that caused Toshinori to laugh.

Hawks mouth tasted bitter as he quickly looked down at the contents of his bag. Stop, it's done and over you can't change anything. The words felt so hollow, not even coming close to fighting the tide of pain that came with watching the pair be so...happy.

The thought of sitting at the empty table he used to share with Enji just too much for him today.

"Hey! Akaguro!" Hawks grinned over as brightly and cheerily as he could at the clearly startled teen. "Mind if I sit with you at your table today? If there's room of course."

Chizome stared at Hawks blankly for a moment before ducking his head. "Um...I..." he sighed before nodding slightly. "Sure. There'"

Hawks sagged slightly with relief, whatever went on with Chizome at his table would have to be better then going to an empty table again. "Thank you."

Chizome finished packing his things back up before eyeing Hawks then heading for the door.

Hawks quickly scrambled after him.

"You know now that I think about it I don't think I've seen where you sit in the lunch room yet, you must have a pretty private table huh?"

Chizome hunched his shoulders. "I guess."

Hawks waited for Chizome to elaborate, when he realized he wasn't going to Hawks suddenly wondered if this was going to be a mistake.
Hawks was definitely up to something. Chizome might not know what it was yet but he could tell that it was something.

After all, he'd clearly been upset for quite a while now, acting extremely strange and VERY solitary, like he was avoiding something or someone...

And now this, this oddly friendly behavior towards him on the rooftop and now here...this was definitely the clincher.

Hawks had barely spoken to him first year, and not much more for most of this year. And yet now, in the course of two days they had not only had a full conversation, one that wasn't essential to a class, but now Hawks had asked to 'sit at his table today'.

Clearly something was going on, there had to be a reason Hawks was suddenly playing friendly with Chizome. After all, it wasn't like there were any other explanations.

No other explanations, so thinking about them would just be a stupid waste of time.

Not that he was even daring to think about them of course.

Thankfully though at least there would be others at the table so if he did happen to be so lost in thought-or just trying to stay awake but that was much easier...most of the time-Chizome had two others to keep Hawks busy without even knowing the favor they were giving him.

So there was nothing to worry about.

And yet every fiber of his being seemed to be screaming otherwise.

But it could just be the lack of sleep, the dorms were of course perfectly fine for sleeping but having to sneak out regularly then sneak back in left little time for that particular thing.

Yes, lack of sleep was clearly to blame for the sudden shaky and out of control feeling Chizome was now struggling with.

"Here." Chizome motioned slightly to the table where Shinya(Edge Shot) and Shinji(Kamui Woods) were already eating.

Shinya glanced up, a confused look crossing his face briefly. "Oh, hello Akaguro...Hawks..."

Hawks smiled brightly-how does he make his face stretch that far?-as he sat across from Shinya, causing Shinji to scoot over a bit. "Hey guys! Akaguro said it was okay for me to eat with you guys, I mean unless you have any-"

"No no of course not!" Shinji said quickly, eyes darting over to look at Chizome with clear confusion.

Probably wondering why I agreed to it.

I hope he doesn't ask why.

Chizome sat next to Shinya who looked between Hawks, who was already talking to Shinji about something or other, and Chizome, as if trying to put together what was going on.

Maybe he'll figure it out, I hope he tells me if he does because I sure don't.

Well that wasn't all true, he did sort of know why...the sort of desperate look in Hawks's eyes when he'd asked had been hard to ignore.

Although now he almost regretted it as Hawks proceeded to talk through lunch.

...almost, but not quite.
Super sorry with the late update I'll hopefully get the next chapter out much sooner, in any case...enjoy!

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