Chapter Seven: Dub Step

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"We made it!" Toga squeals as she half dances around the half broken down looking bar.

Hawks watches as Bubaigawara raced over to grab her hands, pulling her into a strange waltz that looked almost nothing like an actual waltz.

Half hysterical relief was bubbling in his gut. He'd been terrified of the idea of having to warn them about police coming despite wanting nothing more then to point them in the right direction, but the strange cars heading fast for the docs had been perfect.

I showed I'm trustworthy, and I didn't have to do anything that illegal!

It was a near perfect win win.

Near perfect because his heart was still going a mile a minute from the moment one of Stain's blades had been an inch from his throat and he'd had the sudden waking nightmare of what could happen if he was found out.

Hawks was startled out of his thoughts by a clap to the shoulder. "Heh, good job newbie." Dabi gave Hawks a smile that was...a lot less malicious then all his previous ones. It was a strange but kinda nice smile that vaguely reminded Hawks of someone though he couldn't put his finger on it...

So instead he quickly shook the thought away. "Just doing what you guys told me to." He flashed his own slightly lazy but confident smile he had perfected back at UA.

"This is still bad news..." Hawks couldn't help but flinch from the growl that was Stains voice. He was standing off to the side, arms crossed and clearly not sharing the excitement that buzzed in the others. "We were lucky. We can't afford to be sloppy."

"Oh shut up." Shigaraki was holding a cup, delicately pointing his pinky out as he took a sip, a sort of strange smirk on his face. "We made it out didn't we? You don't always have to Mr. Doom and gloom you know."

Hawks couldn't help the slight chuckle that escaped him at that.

Only for it to die in his throat when Stains glare was leveled his way.

Stain walked over, and Hawks could only dimly find it funny that Dabi's expression brightened like a puppy who just saw its owner.

Or like Enji when he sees-

Hawks shut that thought down fast.

"I need a word with Hawks."

Dabi deflated as fear stabbed its claws into Hawks guts. Shit shit shit why does he want to talk? Did he figure me out?! No that's impossible but why else would he want to talk?!

"Be right back then I suppose." Hawks kept his tone and expression as at ease as he could despite the fact his mind was racing and his hands were shaking.

Stain lead him out of the main area into the kitchen of the beaten down bar. Hawks briefly hoped to see Kurogiri as maybe whatever Stain was planning for him wouldn't be done if there was some sort of witness, but as it turned out Hawks wasn't as lucky as he'd thought and the kitchen was completely vacant.

Hawks took a deep breath before forcing a smile. "So what is it you wanted to-"

"I won't waste time on pleasantries." Stain turned, his harsh glare freezing Hawks in place. "I don't trust you. You probably already know that. So rather then play stupid games, I'll get to the point." Stain stalked forwards and Hawks found himself involuntarily backing up only for his back to hit the wall of the kitchen.

Hawks sucked in a sharp breath as Stain brought up a hand to rest close to his head, slowly tapping his fingers against the wall as he stared at him.

For someone who was wanting to get to the point he's sure taking the time to freak me the fuck out.

Stain tilted his head, narrowing his eyes as he finally spoke in a low growl. "I'm not the one who gets to choose wether you leave or stay, so I can't force you to do anything. But know do something that compromises our mission, or hurts our cause...your body won't be found." Stains lips curved into a twisted menacing smile. "Understood?"

Hawks swallowed hard, finding it suddenly extremely hard to breathe. He managed to nod, not trusting his voice to not shake or squeak.

"Good." Stain pulled back, turning just in time to see Toga standing in the doorway staring at them.

Hawks had no clue what she'd heard, but didn't like the weird look on her face as she slowly looked between the two.

Then a large slightly deranged looking grin crossed her face. "...Stain, I never knew-"

Stain walked past her briskly. "No. Going home."

"Aw come on! You can't just not explain that!" Toga was darting after Stain in an instant and suddenly Hawks was alone in the kitchen.

It was only when he couldn't make out their voices that his knees finally gave out and he sunk to the ground, taking deep relieved gulps of air.

Well, I hope that I never have to be alone with him again. Why the hell was that so terrifying?!?
He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be here. HE SHOULDN'T BE HERE.

Chizome stopped outside of the bar, taking a deep shaky breath and then trying to not cough from the residual smell of smoke in the air.

I don't have time for this. I barely have time for any of this but I definitely don't have time for THIS.

Why was Hawks getting involved? He was supposed to be a happy student with some weird hobbies that occupied the part of Chizome's life that didn't include getting shot at. He wasn't supposed to join the league.

He needed to stay in the corner that was safe, that was calm, that was more normal and less terrifying, not interacting with the corner that was full of fear and looking over his shoulder and constantly worrying about who might be watching. Keeping it separate kept Chizome sane.

So why the hell is some high schooler who doodles stars on the edges of his papers suddenly in a world like this?

Chizome could except people would side with them. Toga had been bullied because her quirk was creepy, Jin suffered from the nature of his quick, even Dabi was burned by something or someone he didn't talk about.

They weren't normal though.

Hawks was.

Hawks complained about math, ate chicken wings and laughed at stupid jokes.

The members of the league weren't like that. They couldn't be like that, not with all that was at risk.

Chizome took another deep breath as he leaned against a brick wall, pressing his hand against it hard enough to sting and burn slightly to ground himself.

Letting my thoughts spiral like this won't help.

But even that couldn't settle the pit opening painfully in his stomach.

He'd already...already almost hurt Hawks just because he was jumpy. He'd been on a job that's how Chizome was and the other members knew that and knew to not startle him but Hawks-stupid stupid Hawks-didn't know and had just waltzed on in like nothing could hurt him.

He didn't have time to worry about him.

So of course that's all he could do.

Damn it.

Chizome pressed his forehead against the wall, took one more deep breath before pushing off and speed walking towards UA.

I will find a way to deal with this. I HAVE to find a way to deal with this.

Hawks knows what he's getting into.


Chizome would be keeping a close eye on Hawks. And not because he thought he might betray them.

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