My Siren

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*Respects to Vocaloid creators (Kagamine twins in particular) and a particular romance mangaka for their inspiration. Without them this sweet little snippet of fantasy wouldn't have come about.*



"It's just like then," you said to me, as you stand before the fireplace. 

"The night was cool, and the sky was clear, and you were singing as your father grinned,

" 'My daughter has the greatest voice. 'Tis a pity how they died, but her parents breeded this wondrous voice and I'll use the wealth it styles.'"

This is a world of the rich and poor and those who can sing with power.

Such people were prized upon, sold and bred into servitude

While others worked like normal folk, some with chokers on their necks;

To proudly show who they were, a Siren in the flesh.

"That night you took me far away, to a place that you called home

It's a land filled with greenery and rarely ever snows

At the edges of my vision is the waving blue lace

That you once told me was beautiful as the sun came each day."

As my story came to its end you reminded me of late

That you had many other things that you had to do that day.

As a lord of his own people, with a family of heritage

I was his, his Siren servant, and my life was his as well.

"But before I leave," you said to me, as your secretary went away-

A party was on that night and you would not be home till late, so I needn't bother waiting-

"But before I leave you here today, please sing for me a song."

"If one day," I said to him as he left, "I couldn't serve you

Couldn't heal you,

Couldn't sing your thirst away,

Would you still let me be with you, or would you sell my self away?"

You laughed at my foolishness, wondering where that thought was from

"Because," you said to me, "you are mine and mine alone."

Your smile was so gently worn as your servant donned your coat

That I could only wish that my life would always be with you.

In the morning, walking where he pleased, the young lord slipped inside

Where a certain special someone laid asleep and unaware.

The gold that adorned her clothes, could not well express

The rich color of her skin, so dark it made him wonder.

"If one day, I went far away, and couldn't soon return, couldn't see you

Couldn't hear you,

Couldn't laugh your loss away,

Would you still let me be with you, or would you turn and run away?"

Her eyes blinked as she yawned and stretched, confusion in her eyes.

"But of course," she murmured to him, "I couldn't well express

How sad, and abandoned, how left aside I'd feel."

And she smiled at the young lord as she laughed at his surprise.

"But if you always take me with you then I'll sing just as before."

A/N: Fairytales Collection Extra- I: You are my Siren, whispered my Master

A/N: Fairytales Collection Extra- I: You are my Siren, whispered my Master

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