Chapter Eight

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"How dare he say those things to me."

I mean I know I haven't been the best person to him but that didn't gave him the right to say all those things to me.

"And your clothes too."

What the hell. Why does he always had to be a physco bastard with me? He seemed fine with Aurora.

They look fine too, when together.

Perfect even.

Of course everything related to him and Aurora had to be perfect. Perfect him. Perfect Aurora. Perfect them. To hell with these perfectionists. I don't give a damn.

I swear if he had said anything inappropriate in front of my family I would have punched him then and there. Wouldn't have cared about the consequences. Wouldn't have cared if he were some millionaire.

Multimillionaire- my subconscious mind corrected.

"Whatever." I huffed.

Although I was thankful he had answered my Mom's bombarding questions smoothly. I was surprised she was convinced with that limited information.

"Trust me you don't want me to be indecent gattino"

What on earth's name did gattino meant? And I'll show him how indecent I am when I'll shove my heels in his foot.

Damn you Vladimir to the deepest pits of hell.

I haven't met anyone till date who had managed to get on my every single nerve in just one day.

With each long stride I took I was unaware to where I was heading. The cool breeze made my hair flutter in air, the slight breeze stroking my skin.

Not again.

Swallowing the anger I looked around to find out an empty narrow street in front of me with buildings on both sides and street lamps illuminating dim light. Not a single soul was in sight.

Turning around I headed back and tried to find someone who could help me find my way back. I walked for around fifteen minutes but still couldn't find anyone.

How far did you came Annona?

My eyes plastered around the unending narrow streets. It was getting darker every minute, the following night teasing the sky into twilight. The now cold wind painted bright red on my cheeks and threw my hair around aimlessly, you could already tell I was scared. I walked a further more and was relieved to hear distant voices of men on my right.

"Thank God." I heaved a sigh of relief.

Turning towards the voices I found a group of men in clad suits surroundings a very terrified man.

"Please let me go." His voice croaked.

Christ what's happening here.

"You don't get to say that after lying to Boss and lavishing his money on whores and cruises." A man with the size of Hulk was looming over him, trying to strangle him with his bare hands.

Why am I sensing trouble?

"I-I'll return your money. L-let me go this t-time."

"We both know you're never going to return the money." Hulky snickered letting the man fall on his feet.

It all happened in few seconds and the next thing I knew Hulky pulled out a gun from his suit and aimed at the terrified man.

"Good luck in hell, Dmitry." He smirked and the bullet spat out of his hands, hitting the man in the chest propelling him to hit back on the wall and slide down. For a few seconds he looked up at the moon as if trying to admire it one last time.

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