Chapter Five

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To this day I retained the strong memory of how I spent a whole day in an attic and had Mom & Dad on the verge of panic attack.

I was around seven when I discovered a room and as always curiosity got best of me and glanced into the dark gloomy attic. The dollar store flashlight illuminated the room. It was beautiful, shame the beams were hidden away by the roof symmetry taking the eye right up to the peak in the center. I could see upto five feet of clearance.

The musky scale smell had masked the fresh pine and sunshine. Books scattered, antique furniture, old paintings, Christmas decorations, ceramic plates, mugs. There were square indentations from chair legs and larger ones.

What caught my attention was an old antique dressing table. Elegant, pretty with opulent and intricate design alongside the mirror. There were many things on that table - a small musical toy with same design as they were on the mirror. I was in love with that. It was like discovering a long lost treasure. All those things at one place was so different I found myself digging into the many cardboard boxes and found numerous interesting things like old photographs, greeting cards, gift boxes, old classic watches, messy handwritten letters, car toys.

I was busy uncovering all those that I lost the track of time. By the time I decided to head back at home it was probably late afternoon.

When I was passing the waiting room I heard Mom sobbing and saying,
"We were in the patio and I went into the kitchen to get cookies for her and when I returned she wasn't there."
She started sobbing on Dad's shoulder again.

There were two or three men in uniform who spoke something to her.

"Just find her as soon as possible, please." Dad's voice cracked in the end.

"Find who Daddy?" I was so shocked. I thought something bad happened to Aurora.

They all turned towards my voice and the look on their faces might put 'a child getting all Christmas presents by Santa himself ' to shame.

Mom ran towards me faster than Edward ever ran towards Bella.

"My baby, My Goodness where were you?" She was crying.

"Mommy I just found a room, there are so many beautiful things, you need to look at it." I was dragging her out to show my discovery.

Trust me I felt like Columbus at that moment.

"Darling tell me you are not hurt." She said hugging, kissing, holding me tightly.

"No I'm not, why would I be?"

I looked at Dad, he was still looking at me like I was some treasure which came walking towards him.

"I guess our job is done here." One of the men spoke.

"We are sorry for the trouble Officer."

"It's fine Mr. Vaughn, we are relieved you found your daughter.

"Thank you Officer."

They both shook hands.

One Officer came and ruffled my hair, "Don't go without telling your parents, there are many bad people out their kid." He said smiling softly at me.

I nodded at him.

Dad came by my side and picked me up in his arms,

"Darling, next time you go anywhere you tell Mommy or me but never go alone, understand?"

"Yes Daddy."


So you see I have this legendarily history of going missing within my house and had Mom nearly in depression.

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