ScareFest, Surprises And Some Other Stuff

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Nikki woke up around noon like a good girl, that too because I threatened to throw her out of the window. Why did I want to wake a girl sleeping you want to know?

Because Davidson had a job for me.

Hang on, its not the ‘official job’ that I do sometimes, because I was done with all that I had to do a long while back. No, it was something too cool to be called a job.

Angie, me and Nikki had tickets to go for the ScareFest!

Now, ScareFest is something that needs to be explained to you people before I say how excited I am about it. It is an annual celebration of horror done right before Halloween and is one of the most scariest things in the world. It is actually this magnificent haunted house set brought in by some people from Brazil and word is that getting tickets is as impossibly tough as it could get.

Angie, who was a big fan of ScareFest, wanted to go this time, and Robert, the good Dad he is, at once gave her tickets. The thing was, running a billion dollar enterprise didn’t allow you to go for ScaryFests with your daughter, so the responsibility was shifted to me when he arrived at about 10 in the morning with Angie and said “You need to take her to this ScareFest business. I have tickets for you and your friend too.”

Verdict: Davidson= coolest boss ever.

This is a forty five minute ride of pure and undiluted terror in the house and it starts at 6. We had preparations to do!

“But I dont understand. Why did you wake me up so soon? Its six hours away!’ Nikki complained as she ate breakfast while Angela and I stared at her like we were announced as the next Masters of the World.

“Because we are too excited and we just needed to share?” Angela grinned.

Nikki nodded, yawning. “Cool. I am so excited.”

“I cant believe I can finally go there, my Dad and Mom never allowed me!” I said with a wide smile.

“So how did they allow now?”

“Simple, I just told it was a job.”


“I know” I said and exchanged a high five. Okay, my added craziness can also be assorted to an acute lack of sleep. Well, since last night was pretty, in lack of other words, exciting, I was unable to settle down and go back to sleep even after he left. So I just watched Tangled, Starstruck, Frozen and The Crazy Ones before Davidson knocked my door. Turned out, I didn’t self jinx myself too, common cold evaded me.

Nikki was staring at me speculatively as she threw the bowl on the sink. “There are coffee cups.”

“I couldn’t sleep. I was drinking.”

“Did you drink from  two coffee cups?”

“N-yeah, I did.”

“Oh, looks like you drank hot chocolate.”

“I- did.”

“And towel dried your hair and left it here.”

“Quite the Sherlock.” I was tethering serious waters here. If Nikki is curious, it is not right. She guesses everything. And I wasn’t sure I was going to tell her yet, like, in front of a sixteen year old. Then my eyes widened as I spotted the couch, comfortable near her gaze.

Vidhyuth’s shirt was just there. He didn’t take it with him because it was soaking wet.

If Nikki sees it…

Time for drastic reaction.

I ran up to the couch, tripped over the rug, upset the water jug which fell on the floor and fell on to the couch, effectively hiding the shirt and also, evading a parade of questions.

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