Chapter 3: Becoming a Disapointment

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        I looked at my father closely. His silver uniform seemed to make his blonde hair stand out more somehow. He looked younger than his 42 years, and I don't know why, but I didn't like that. He was giving me a look of disappointment. I didn't like that very much, either.

        "Kyna, come with me." He held out his hand and I took it, letting him help me off of the heavenly leather couch. I never would've said it out loud, but I wanted to take the comfy couch with me. He smiled over at the secretary who smiled back, which didn't get her any closer to me not disliking her, before opening the door and gently pushing me through it.

        Long, dull hallways greeted me. It was a shocking difference to the reception area, and my mind had trouble understanding why they would do that. My father lead me through them, twists and turns confusing me. How do people not get lost? It's like the freaking Labyrinth in here! I thought as we finally stopped at a door that read General Kendricks. I mentally rolled my eyes. He must feel pretty accomplished, what with his name on a door.

        Dash opened the door and gestured for me to enter. I did so hesitantly, having a seat on a somewhat stiff cherry-wood chair. While I kept trying to get situated, he sat behind a matching desk, rolling up his sleeves. That was never a good sign. That meant I was going to get a talking to.

        He started off with a longwinded sigh. "Kyna, what have I told you so many times before? Don't get involved in this war." He ran his fingers through his hair, a habit he had when he was under a lot of stress. "I don't want you to get hurt. I will not allow you to apply." He finished with a firm tone of voice, as if that short conversation would make me change my mind.

        In response I extended my arms and placed my elbows on the desk, splaying my fingers toward him as if trying to get my point across. "Look, Father, I know you want to keep me safe, but I'm almost eighteen. If you don't let me do this now, I'll just do it then. This is what I want to do with my life. I want to fight in this war. I want it to end. It took him. I want to fight for him." I looked at my father, and saw pain flash into his eyes. He obviously knew who I meant.

        "Kyna, don't play that card. I will not back down on this. As long as you are still under my jurisdiction, you will not be apart of anything to do with this war." He stood up and began to walk to the door, probably to show me out. At the last second, I reached out and wrapped my hand around his wrist. He whipped around to face me one last time.

        Tears burned at my eyes at the thought of the humiliation I would have to bear by not being allowed to fight. "Daddy, please. I don't want to do anything else." He seemed shocked that I called him 'Daddy,' probably because I never said it unless I felt I needed to. "I want to be a titan pilot. I want to be the one that saves lives every day by walking out into the battlefield and fighting for what is right. I want to be the one that people cheer for. I want to be the one that everyone looks up to just like I did when I was little." I felt my hands shaking, and relinquished my grip on his wrist. I looked at the floor for about a minute before hearing a deep sigh above my head.

        I looked up to see melancholy in my dad's eyes. It was a frightening look. He was scared to let me go. He grabbed me into a hug, and the tears came out. My eyes burned and I tried desparately to keep the crying to a minimum. We stood like that for a couple minutes before he stepped back and grabbed my shoulder. "Kyna..." That seemed to be all he could say, and I stood in shocked silence.

        "Fath-" He cut me off by holding up a hand.

        "Don't. I will fill out your application for you and bump it to the top of the waiting list, but I won't put in a good word. They will decide on their own terms whether or not you deserve to be in the program. If you don't pass the P.T.C. you will be coming home right away, and you will promise never to ask to become a pilot again if you do." I didn't smile or react in any way to the relief I felt. He showed me out of the door and I went home without any problems.

                                                              ~ Time Skip (XD) ~

        Three days later, my duffel bag and I are on a ship headed for the I.M.C. training center. May my life in hell begin.

(A/N: I really wanted to write today. It's very short but I wanted to let the story pick up a bit quicker. I hope at least one of you dear readers are enjoying my story so far. Until my next update!

~ emberblood)

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