Chapter Eight- Saving Ethan

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"You were apart of this? You helped transport a bioweapon?!" I asked, my anger rising.

"Yes, but she was never supposed to escape containment!" Mia said.

"Well the outbreaks in Racoon City, South America, Kijuju, Tall Oaks, and Tatchi weren't supposed to happen either, but they did! How could you be apart of this?!" I asked, and she looked down, her head in her hands.

"I was just her caretaker! They needed someone that she could imprint on and would trust, someone that she wouldn't attack!" She cried. I sighed.

"Alright, alright, calm down. I'm sorry that I got angry with you, I'm just so tired of bioweapons and outbreaks. Now, how much of this did you have to do with?" I asked. She looked up, tears in her eyes.

"None of it! I was her caretaker. She was designed with imprinting protocol that made her trust me. I posed as her caretaker while we were transferring her to South America. Allen, my coworker, somehow let her get free, and she didn't get the treatments that were keeping her acting as a normal little girl, so she deteriorated! She caused the ships to crash, and, we are." She said. I nodded.

"Okay. I won't question why you are with the people who created her, I'll leave that alone for now. Right now, we need to find Ethan." I said. She nodded, and we headed out to the elevator and pried the doors open. We climbed the ladder, and got onto the fourth floor. The ships cameras were luckily still working, and we found Ethan locked up in Eveline's mold. Suddenly, Eveline appeared in front of us, grabbing our wrists, hard.

"Liars!" She growled. I ripped my hand out of her grasp, fighting her and keeping her out of my mind.

"Stop it, Eveline!" Mia cried. Eveline disappeared, and Mia and I looked at our wrists. She had left bruises. "Ugh, freaking hallucinations!! Where is she?!" Mia asked. I looked back at her.

"My guess is that she's somewhere in the main house. Whenever I was in there, that seemed to be where the family spent most of there time." I said. We continued on, soon being able to make it into the elevator car. In order to get it running, we needed a power cord, and a fuse. I looked at Mia. "If you can go get the fuse, I'll get the power cable." I said.

"Alright." She said. I climbed onto the third floor, taking out one of the Mold creatures, and using the corrosive that I had found to melt the lock and get inside. I recognized this area from the tape. This is where Eveline threw Mia into the ocean! I walked through the hall, and came into a medical bay. I saw the power cord, and went to grab it, when I heard something roar. It was the giant mold from the barn!! I took it out quickly, got the power cord, and met Mia back n the elevator. We place the cord and the fuse, and headed to the basement. Once we made it through the basement, we got to the room that Ethan was in. Eveline stood in front of him.

"I need you to do something for me." Eveline said. She was affecting Mia, however, I stomped right past her and began digging at the mold holding Ethan to the wall. Eveline kept trying to get my attention, but I stubbornly ignored her. I was so close to going home! Nothing was going to stop me from getting back to my husband and daughter. Nothing. I did hear Mia's and Eveline's conversation, though. "He doesn't love you. I can make him love you."

"Stop! Eveline, don't hurt him!" 

"Silly, I already told you, I'm not going to hurt him."

"Don't you dare!"

"Or what? You're not my mommy...remember?" As she spoke, all I could think was...that was supposed to be me. If Leon hadn't rescued me from Raccoon City...I would be the T-Virus version of Eveline. A bioweapon with no sense of morals, and who doesn't fully understand what she's doing wrong...because she's been told that what she's doing now is what she's supposed to do. It was surreal, like looking in a mirror almost. I shook the thought from my mind, and helped Mia finish freeing Ethan. Once Ethan was free, Mia was quick to shive us both out the door, telling us to go get Eveline, after locking herself in with Eveline. I placed my hand on Ethan's shoulder.

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