Law Hates Bread!

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Disclaimer! Some content comes from the One Piece Manga/Anime but has been edited to better fit the context of this fan fiction!


Sanji had woken up at his usual time to make breakfast. He temporarily forgot that he agreed to Law's conditions and about jumped out of his skin when he woke up in Law's arms. When he remembered, a second later, he carefully got up so he didn't wake him and jumped to the deck. Some how he managed to land quietly and headed to the kitchen without waking anyone up.

When he entered the kitchen he was surprised to see Robin sitting at the bar reading one of her books.

"Robin-chan?! You're up already?"

"Good morning Sanji. Sleep well?" Robin turned to him with her wide smile that Sanji loved so much, however there was something about it this time that told him she knew something.

"Eh... I-I-I.... Uh..."

"It's okay you don't need to explain anything.... What I am concerned about is... why is Tra-guy blackmailing you?"

"Uh... I.... umm.... Uh.... Well.... He.... I-I-I...."

"It's okay, Sanji. As long as he doesn't hurt you, and you're okay with it.... then it's okay with me. But if I find out he has hurt you, Luffy will find out about it and you and I both know he won't be happy."

Sanji stared at her, his mouth hung open.

"If you're wondering how I know...." Robin began as two hands grew out of the counter top. One had an eye on the palm, the other an ear. "Sorry for eavesdropping but something seemed off when you ran off with Law yesterday. Don't worry I didn't hear everything. Just Law saying something about on the condition that you be his for the duration of our alliance. Which lead me to believe he was holding something against you. When I woke up and found you weren't in the kitchen I figured you were still on lookout.... but when Law wasn't on the deck were he had fallen asleep after everyone else went to bed.... Well I figured he was with you in the Crows Nest... so I checked and you two were sleeping."

Sanji didn't say anything.

"No need to be embarrassed. You're secret is safe with me. Although I'm surprised you gave into blackmail.... However, if you decide you want to talk about it...," Robin stood up and walked to the door. She placed a hand on Sanji's shoulder, who was now staring at his feet, and smiled, "I'm always here to listen."

Sanji remained frozen in place for about five minutes after Robin left.


Sanji was frying some eggs when the door opened and closed. He didn't turn to see who it was as the sound of footsteps came closer.

"Good morning," Law said feeling Sanji tense up when he wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on the cook's shoulder.

"You fell asleep," Sanji said bluntly.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Guess I was more tired then I thought."

"... Robin knows...," Sanji stated absentmindedly.

"Yeah... She... er... gave me a bit of a lecture before I came in here. Your crew really cares about you."

"Maybe...," Sanji said reaching for the plates by the stove to put the finished eggs on.

"What's that supposed to mean."

"They care about who they think I am, not who I really am."

"No, they care about who they know you are.... You said yourself you're not a Vensmoke. You sure don't act like one." He glanced down noticing that Sanji was only standing on one foot, the tip of his right shoe touched the floor, clearly trying not to put weight on it. "You really shouldn't be walking on that leg to much."

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