Are You Going to Tell Him or Not?

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"Just like Kin'emon, we need time to prepare too," Nekomamushi said glancing back to Inuarashi, who gave a single nod of agreement.

"Okay, got it!" Luffy said, "Then, let's split up for now!"

"We will round up allies and plot a strategy in the Land of Wano," Kin'emon said.

"Are you gonna be okay there?" Zoro asked turning to the Samurai.

"We're fully aware of the risk," Konjuro interjected.

"But we're worried about our comrades there," Kin'emon added.

"The Land of Wano is occupied by Kaido now, right?" Brook asked. "You're chances of encountering the Beast Pirates are high and isn't it hard to even enter the country?"

"Can't you do something with your ninjutsu?" Usopp asked.

"It will be hard to use it against everyone," Raizo replied.

"I see," Usopp sighed.

"If you come on our submarine, you'll be safe while traveling," Law said as he stepped closer to the group, his eyes to the ground.

Robin looked at him, you promised your crew you'd go with Luffy.

"Oh, are you sure, Law-dono?!" Kin'emon smiled.

"We'd like that!" Raizo responded.

"Please take us!" Konjuro added.

"And... if you know a place to hide on the island, you'll be alright," Law said finally looking up. I can't just abandon my crew for someone that isn't on my crew... But...

"Yeah, Captain. We can wait to fight Kaido. We already agreed to that!"

"Did you think we were joking when we said we'd meet you at Wano?"

"Captain, if you want to go help Black Leg, then go...."

His crew's voices repeated in his head.

"I'll go look for Marco with my subordinates." Nekomamushi informed.

"Our final targets are the Shogun and Kaido," Inuarashi stated. "If Kin'emon and the others are headed there first, we'd better meet up in the Land of Wano."

"Let's make Kin'emon's Vivre Card."

"Okay! It's a deal!" Luffy agreed.

What are you doing Tra-guy! Say something! Robin thought her eyes never leaving the surgeon, his gaze distant, lost in thought.

"Uh-huh, understood," Kin'emon grunted.

"Don't get lost, guys," Zoro said walking way from the group.

"Look who's talking," Nami said, eyes closed and hand on her hip.

Just then the rest of the Mink tribe came running, Bepo in the lead with his arm around a panda mink. All of them happy to see Raizo safe. Pedro leaped, high up in the trees, from branch to branch, following the rest of the Minks. Wanda happily suggested having a feast to celebrate and Carrot stated that it was already ready.


They all walked back to the Mink's fort. Luffy chanting, "Banquet!" the entire way.

When they arrived, Nami stood in front of him, arms crossed, eyes closed, and head tilted to the ground. Luffy passed her still chanting.

"Banquet. Banquet. Banquet."

"Wait, Luffy," Nami said wrapping her arms around his neck. "We've already had a banquet! Let's get going! It's gonna be too late to save Sanji-kun!

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