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"It wouldn't be wrong to assume that this was an attack then..." Robin said as they walked through the destroyed town. "After all, this town looked like it had at least a few hundred thousands people living but now, not a single soul...."

"Aww shit, this country... it's crazy...!! Please let's just leave...!" Usopp begged. "Uh... Right after we find Sanji and the rest!!"

"You better have added that... even if it was a side note...," Law said.

"We're not on the same crew! What do you care?!"

"I care because we're allied crews...." We're not leaving without Sanji, even if Straw Hat says your crew is, I'm not.

"You seem stressed," Robin said walking next to Law after makeing sure everyone else was out of ear shot. 

"I'm fine."

"You're worrying about Sanji. Whatever happened here, it happened before Sanji and the others arrived."

"I feel like such an ass.... Why am I worrying more about him then my own crew?"

Robin smiled, "I think that's a question only you can answer."

"I don't think the enemy was human at all...," Franky said examining long deep gashes on one of the building. "There are claw marks all around."


"Alright. I'm sure Straw Hat will appreciate you offering to guard the ship if the enemy does come back," Law said a bit irritated.

"EEEEEEH! G-guard the Sunny...! N-no she can take care of herself...! Er....! ....Zoro's going the wrong way! I-I better go make sure he doesn't get lost! .....Z-ZORO W-WAIT FOR ME~!"

"He's hopeless," Law sighed as Usopp ran off after Zoro, who, for once, really wasn't going the wrong way.

"Super hopeless," Franky agreed.

Law stopped walking when they came to a giant hole. "So an animal attacked the Mink Tribe in their own country...?" Law said as they stared down at a giant animal's foot print in the elephant's back.

Usopp stood behind Zoro, his legs shaking.

"But then again, there's always the possibility that the claw marks were because of a falling out between them."

"That's true," Robin replied. "So... right up till one or two weeks ago... this was still a country... but now it's gone!"

"Then where's Sanji and everyone else~!?" 


"But the man that tore this country down... his name... is Jack!" Wanda said to Luffy. 

Just then the elephant began to shake.

"Woah! An earthquake?!" Luffy said.

"The eruption rain is coming! Get up the trees," Bepo said as the Heart Pirate's ran for different trees.

Luffy began to follow them but was stopped by Wanda.

"No! Get on Crocky! We're going to the Right Belly! You're friends are there!"

"Oh good! That's where Sanji is then! I'm hungry!" Luffy said excitedly as he climbed onto Crocky. "What's the matter?"

Wanda jumped, "oh! Nothing! Let's get to your friends, shall we?"

"Yeah!" Luffy smiled widely.


"What?! Clouds of water?!" Usopp hollered with his hands to his head.

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