Saving Zunesha

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Upon Momo informing everyone that Jack was alive and attacking Zunesha the minks moved quickly to try to fight him and his subordinates off. However they were stopped by another earthquake like tremble from the elephant. Momo also figured out that the voice only he and Luffy heard was in fact the elephant himself. Realizing what the elephant needed, Luffy told Momo to tell him to fight back. Even though Luffy had a feeling that Momo need to be the one to tell Zunesha, it still shocked him when it actually worked. After the fight was over, Luffy left the group and returned with a large bag.

"First, we gotta find out how Jack was able to get here," Nekomamushi said. "Otherwise, this place will no longer be safe."

"I see. Well, good luck with that," Luffy said with a smile. "It'd be cool if this elephant becomes our ally."

"That's easy for you to say," Neko laughed.

You people are too cheerful for this situation, Law thought.

"You okay Captain?" Shachi asked. He could tell Law was upset about something.

"I'm fine," he lied.

"Now we're gonna go so can we have lots of food?!" Luffy asked holding open the blue bag.

"IS THAT ALL YOU  EVER THINK ABOUT!!!" Law said, wanting to hit Luffy with Kikoku but restrained himself. "WHAT ABOUT WHAT ONE OF YOU CREW MEMBERS IS GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW!!!"

"I told you earlier. Sanji can take care of himself, he's strong," Luffy said turning to Law.

"Yeah, yeah! You can take as much food as you want!" Neko insured.

Inurarashi looked to Carrot, "Carrot, show him the way to the food storage."

"Okay!" She said happily. (I just realized her excitement when she said "okay" might have been mild foreshadowing to her plain to stowaway in The Sunny.... Of cause it could have just been "they're our saviors! Of course I'll take him there!" But was that all it was?)

"Thanks!" Luffy said.

 Mean while a flying squirrel mink, Musatobi, glided down to assess the damage Zunesha took. He glided back up and told everyone about the elephant's injuries. Just as he finished Zunesha  nearly fell over, unable to handle the pain any longer but somehow managed to stay on his feet.

Chopper walked up to Luffy with determination and worry on his face. "Say, Luffy... can we delay our departure a bit?"

Great.... The longer they wait the more likely we'll... they'll be too late to save Sanji.... But... the elephant needs saving too.

"Do you wanna treat the elephant?" (I love how Luffy just knows what his crew is thanking and feeling)

"Uh-huh!" Chopper nodded.

"All right!" Luffy said, his expression turning serious. "Treat him quickly."


"No, that's so nice of you but...."

"Stop it!" Luffy interrupted Inurarashi. "We're the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance!"

"Alliance?" Carrot asked. (Okay maybe that exited "okay" wasn't foreshadowing anything because she's just now finding out about the alliance *sighs*)


"With this many people, it won't take long," Zoro said.

"Yup! Count on us!" Franky said.

Law stood next to Franky, Kikoku over his should and a smile on his face. You're crew will be on there way soon, Sanji.

"That's right!" Usopp said.

"Yes, yes!" Brook agreed.

"I knew this is what we'd do," Nami said.

Robin chuckled her agreement.

"Okay, let's do this!" Luffy said throwing one hand in the air.

And they all got to work. Chopper got the herbs. Robin made a bandage big enough for the elephant. Franky and Usopp got the minks' ships ready to use as an 'elevator' so they could get to then injuries. Zoro, Brook, and Kin'emon cut down tree's for Franky and Usopp. And Law.... well... Law keep Zoro from getting lost... after he got lost....

Zoro cut down a bunch of trees. When he was finished he turned to the minks that was helping him and the others and told them to take the wood to Franky. But when he opened his eyes there was no mink to be found.

"Huuuh! Where did they all go!

What a useless idiot! If we're... Straw Hat-ya is to late to save Sanji... I'm blaming it on Moss Head-ya..., Law scowled as he walked up behind Zoro. "It's the other way around."

"Huh!" Zoro said turning to him.

"You walked off on your own, Zoro-ya. Are you that ridiculously terrible with directions?" That you'd risk Sanji's life by wasting time GETING LOST!

Carrot and Luffy came up to them on a Crocky.

"Boo! Boo! You stray swordsman!" Carrot said, giving Zoro a thumbs down which made Luffy laugh.


"That's a waste of time. We don't want you to get lost again," Law said. (I so didn't plane that... It's been so long I forgot Law actually said letting Zoro do something was a waste of time because he'd just get lost again 😂)

Zoro got inches from Law's face and Law flinched back (probably to keep Zoro from spitting in his face as he yelled at him...) "DAMN YOU! HOW COULD YOU SAY..."

So annoying.... "Shambles!" And Zoro and the pile of wood vanished and reappeared were Franking and Usopp were working.

"What? What?!" Carrot said in surprise. "Did he disappear?!" (You know what was odd about this scene...? Law didn't form a room....)

They finished up after dealing with a bad storm and Luffy went with Carrot to get food. This is when Luffy realized that they almost left without Pekoms and asked Carrot to take the back pack of food to Zou's gate while he got Pekoms.

Kin'emon, Nekomamushi, Inurarashi, and Kanjuro (Can I just call him 'he-who-shall-not-be-named? 😤😡) divided everyone into four groups. The first group: Nekomamushi, who is to search for Marko the Phoenix. The second group: Momo and the Minks, who where to stay on Zou for the time been. (I wonder if Momo learned anything from Zunisha like he hoped. That's probably going to be touched upon in Wano (I hope)). The third group: the Sanji retrieval team; Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Brook, and Pekoms (don't worry, Law will join them soon... have patience 😉). And the fourth team: Kin'emon, (K-Kan-)Konjuro(!!!), Raizo, Robin, Zoro, Usopp, Franky, Law and the other Heart Pirates, who will head to Wano where they will wait and plot a strategy while looking for Samurai to recruit.

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