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Uh. Hi.

Oh hey. You're jin right? Tae's friend?

That me. The one and only 😋

Nice. Cool. So whats up?

Totally random question, you're single right? Or?? Since last time i saw you, you had a weird thing going on with yoongi

Single as ever. I don't want talk about that 😥 me and yoongi on each other lives that we don't mention that.

Alright alright. So your a college kid right? Least that im guessing base on your recent post

You bet i am 😎 and struggling badly 😭
You got like any hot friends i can borrow for a project?

Yes acutally!

Seriously? I was sorta joking 😶

Well I'm not ☺
His name is Jung Hoseok
He 23
Single and gay
His IG is @Hobicus
I can give you his number too

Woah chill Jin... I needed a model, not a boyfriend 😅

Same thing but he a suggestion since he also wanted to be a model so it a win-win. He get to experience and maybe have a better chance at the model life and you get to do your project

I guess.. Need to think it over

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