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Jungkook enter the shop, his eyes wonder around to see the beautiful decor the flutter around, like as if he was in some magical new land that made him feel safe and in awe. Hoseok was internally panicking to see the young photographer enter the shop, watching his doe eyes observe the details made the florist heart beat as if it was about to burst.
"Welcome to sunrise flower shop" Hoseok greeted out, being part of his usual routine to greet everyone who enters, both boys felt their faces be hot as they made eye contact with one another for the first time.

'What was this feeling?' Jungkook wonder to himself, he been in past relationships before but he felt anything like the way he feeling now, it was the typical cliche of his heart racing and skipping beats but to Jungkook, his heart felt the same pace but he felt safe as he stare at the florist worker. Despite not even knowing his name or who he exactly is, for all Jungkook can know is he might be a killer or a kidnapper yet he already felt safe just being in the breathing area as him.

"Hi, this place is nice" Jungkook commented, being the first to break eye contact and go back to looking at the flower that lightly brush with his fingers, the soft texture of a spider flower that was bursting to be a web. The younger boy felt like he was in a daze mind as he stared at the beauty around him, clutching on the to the camera.

Hoseok didn't want to pressurize the younger boy in a conversation, of course the florist wanted the other boy number but he couldn't be forward, so he stayed there behind the cash register and tend on re arranging the bases that have white lilies in them, adding some marigolds and many hues of sweetpeas in the vase. Adding a single pine flower just interesting contrast.

Jungkook took couple of photos of the flowers he saw but he didn't want to be a jerk on taking photos then leaving so he decide to grab some daisy, gardenia, holly a yellow hyacinth and a coral roses, sure the combinations didn't make any sense but Jungkook look, trying his best to make this strange combination work  as he brought it to the cash register
"Interesting choices" the florist comment, the photographer face was flush with a pink taint
"They seem pretty and my dorm seem boring, more colors the better right?" Jungkook try to point out and he wasn't wrong, his dorm was very bland which is very ironic for he is attending an arts school.
"I guess that fair enough" both of them laugh together.

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