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"That was really fun" Hoseok called out happily, his bright sunshine smile being a blinding but beautiful sight to see.
"You're a natural" Jungkook commented, both boys decide to head to head to same coffee shop they first had a meeting on after the photoshoot. After couple of days of knowing eachother and awkward meeting later, they really gotten close and having the once awkward silence being filled with fun laughter bouncing around.

"I have so many ideas but I can't decide on one"
"For your project?"
"Nope, just for fun. I'm still doomed with my project and I have 17 days left and I have no clue what to do" Jungkook slump down while sighing, he never had an issue with school project but this project specifically just gave a empty mind with no methods to succeed.
"I'm sure we can think of a idea. What's the theme?"
"It self love"

Self love.
That word just made both boys blank out with ideas.

"That difficult prompt to do" Hoseok eyes drifted around, looking at the decor before noticing a certain flower. The seat creek as he got up, giving Jungkook a confuse look and only to watch the older boy to walk over the wall of fake flower. Picking up one of the flower that was pinned into the wall, the workers didn't mind, most people do that often to take photos with.
"Hoseok what are you doing?" Jungkook question only to get the flower in front of his face. A soft pink flower that seem so tightly together in petals.

"I will help you find an idea and have the best project out there, I trust you to help me become a model so you need to trust me to help you get the best project. If you accept this flower then we have a equal agreement of contract" Jungkook was baffled at the sudden confidence Hosoek pulled out. The younger boy stared down at the flower and thinks through Hoseok words carefully. 'It an equal trust' he thought to himself before reaching out for the flower stem but stopping before his top fingertips can wrap around it.
"Why we have promise on a flower?"

"It a Camellia, have you never been to a wedding?" Jungkook shook his head which name Hoseok chuckle. "They symbolize faithfulness, in Victorian era they had a meaning of 'my fate is in your hands' since it was all of a trust between the people" Hoseok smiled happily after showing off his flower languages. "My fate has been always in your hands Jungkook, will you let me hold your fate of a successful project?"

Jungkook couldn't help but smiled at the proposal, finally accepting the flower as he held it in his own hands.

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