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Paper ruffles in irritation, a loud groan was created as Yoongi lean back into his chair.
"Whats up?" Namjoon, one of yoongi friends, question in concern
"just annoyed with things"
"Wow so specific yoongi."
"Shut up"

"It about jungkook. Isnt it?" Namjoon raise his eyebrow, waiting for a response but only got silence. "Knew it."
"It not about him but more who he talking to" yoongi scolled down his feed, showing a photo of jungkook account to namjoon.
"No way" namjoon eye widen is dibelife. "I thought he died"
"I thogubt so too until i saw the photo." yoongi voice was full of concern as he stared at the photo schoot of Hoseok.

It freaked him to see his happy eyes, his heartshape smile, the innocent aura he held.

It was really wierd to see his Ex have that exact same he used to almost ruin yoongi life.


"I never thoguht the guy i date and who fell down the stairs when we first met would be an S class model" laugther was burst out as everyone heard Jimin story on how he met Taehyung.
"And he said it was a magical moment you two met" Wonwoo commented
"If falling the stairs and asking someone on a date in the nurses office was magical then sure" Jimin smiled brightly.

Everyone was laughing happily, well everyone expect Hoseok who sat there quietly, his head looking slightly down as his body felt compressed on it self.
"You okay Hoseok?" Jungkook look at him, he was invited to hang out with everyone, he knew it was risky since Hoseok was shy but his friends did wanted to me jungkook model.

"Little nervous. That all" hoseok softly smiles, his hands at light fidgets.
"Hey dint be shy. None of bite, well maybe jihoon might" wonwoo chuckle before recieving a painful punch in the stomach by jihoon
"Fuck off"
"Man im in love" Mingyu smiled.
"In love with a psycho"

I had an idea but the idea is clashing with another idea.

1: stay on the fluff route aka my orginal plan


2: take it in a more... Twisted route.

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