Jiang Cheng-tasia

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(A/N: really don't know the full story of Anastasia. forgive me about this XDXDXD anyways, i'm really sick rn and just went to the nearest computer shop from our house just to update. i want to keep my promise to my dear readers to update today, so... XDXDXD *0* anyways, please have fun with this chap of mine. kiyaaaaaaaaa!!! XiCheng!!!! *0*) 

The night of the palace ball.

"Mother." Jiang Yanli called to her mother who's helped by Jiang Cheng to go down the carriage. "I'd go in first." She said.

Without waiting for Yu Ziyuan to answer, Jiang Yanli ascended the stairs.

"Ah Cheng." Yu Ziyuan called to him when they entered the palace. "You go and enjoy yourself. I'll be fine here." She told him as she sat on the chair, watching the dancers in the middle.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng answered and roamed around the palace. "Where will I go, though?" he asked and blew out air as he went out of the terrace.

He hugged himself when he felt the cold night air seeped through his clothes. He rubbed his hands and blew through it.

He slowly walked and stopped to watch the city lights sparkling afar the dark city, making them looked like stars in the night sky.

He smiled.

"Leave this to us!"


"But, we can't let you carry the tray – "

"You could – "

"We can't! Also... you will just create more work for us because you'd drop them – "

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Please leave the kitchen and change your clothes now. The ball is already starting – "

A handsome young man carrying a tray full of bread stopped when he saw somebody standing in the terrace.

A guest. He thought. What is he doing here? And it's so cold – he thought and almost shivered when the cold night air blew.

He looked inside the ballroom. I can't pass there. He thought and looked at the tray filled with breads he wanted to sneak to his room for a midnight snack. He's eyes fell back to the lone guest in the terrace. This is the only way – he thought.

He was about to silently pass when he stopped after he saw his face.

"Sir!" JinGuangyao – the royal messenger, called, following behind him. "I tell you, your uncle will get mad if you won't stop fooling arou – eh? Sir?" he called when he saw he's gone.

He was about to sigh, relieved, when he saw the person he's looking for is walking towards a guest in the terrace. "Wha – " he said, wide-eyed, as his jaw dropped when he saw what happened next.

"Good evening, good sir."

He didn't dropped the tray - ! he thought, shocked, remembered the person's clumsiness.

Too late to stop the person, he sighed and left.

"Good evening, good sir." A voice called.

"Hm?" Jiang Cheng turned and saw a man carrying a tray of breads. A guest? He thought and looked at the man's clothes. He can't be. He thought seeing the man's simple clothes. "What is it?" he asked.

The man, who he just noticed is handsome, smiled. He raised the tray. "Would you like one, sir?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng looked at the delicious breads before him, the aroma wafting with the cold wind. "Err... but it still isn't dinner time." He said and looked inside the ballroom where the king – Lan Qiren, already giving a long speech.

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