Snow White

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Narrator/author: once upon a time... wait. This is only my line - ? Wait - !

Director: *Next scene pls.

The curtains raise for the audience to see a beautiful kingdom filled with sparkling roses, a castle and a small city inside a wall afar with mountain ranges behind... ok. As what you usually see in every fairy tale.

The queen of the kingdom gave birth to a child with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as dark as the raven. The child will be named... wait. Snow White doesn't have a name and just simply Snow White, right? Then this child's name will be Wei Ying.

Unfortunately, the queen died after giving birth to him (yes. It was a male) and the king died, too, for some unknown reason - well actually it was only for the author's convenience. The late king's friend, who's now the new king took in the said child with his wife. But, the new queen died and the king remarried. It was a witch! The king died at the hands of the witch, where the child is now left to.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the prettiest of them all?" Lan Qiren - yes, him! He asked on the mirror.

"My king." Lan Xichen said. Yes, him - the mirror! His handsome face reflected in the mirror.

Lan Qiren frowned. "I know, nephew, that you're the most handsome and I cursed you to be a mirror but - " he said and sighed. " - can't you proceed now for the development of the plot?" he asked.

Lan Xichen chuckled and showed Wei Wuxian's face in the mirror.

Lan Qiren's eyes narrowed and the poisoned apple on his hand was crushed. Yes. He's really making poisoned apples this early in the story.

"That damn kid!" he hissed.

His hate is reflected even in this fanfic.

Lan Qiren called for the hunter - Jiang Cheng, to kill Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng - who's the previous king's son and secretly hates the current king who's actually a witch and killed his father, didn't kill Wei Wuxian and just left him in the woods.

"Be thankful I spared your life. Hmph!" Jiang Cheng said and left.

Wei Wuxian, his surrounding unfamiliar to him, wept. "Where am I?" he cried. "Director, you seriously threw me in a real jungle didn't you?" he asked.

"*... for realistic scene." The director said, raising a placard.

There was a loud roar and Wei Wuxian turned. His eyes went wide when he saw it was a tiger - Wen Chao!

Fortunately, or intentionally, Jiang Cheng returned and seckilled - mercilessly killed, Wen Chao.

"Your hate from the original novel is now paid, right?" Wei Wuxian asked Jiang Cheng after he burned Wen Chao's corpse.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng answered and left, for the development of the plot. (A/N: they surely just do whatever they want making the plot not develop XD)

Wei Wuxian, now back on stage, walked around and around and around until the background changed and showed a small house. "Oh!" he exclaimed, covering his mouth with his hand - the usual princesses always do to act cute. "What a small house!" he said and entered the house.

For the development of the plot, Wei Wuxian ate the dwarves' food and slept on their bed.

The seven dwarves now finally arrive.

"Huh? Who ate our food?" Lan Jingyi asked.

"Won't you ask why the door is open and who dared enter the house?" Jin Ling asked, frowning.

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