chapter 4

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  You jolted up covered in sweat. You arm felt heavy and your body ached. You eyes scanned the room. The infirmary. You relaxed realizing how much it hurt to sit up. Your eyes met all mights. He stared right at you. "Quirkless huh?" he asked frowning. "You wouldn't understand" you answered your throat dry and you voice shaky. "You could've told us though." he retorted. You just gave him a look. You mind flashed through the images of the fight. "Did the students get hurt?" you asked calmly as you picked a water bottle of the nightstand. You unscrewed the cap and drank it. "Thankfully not well other than midoriya and its because he used his quirk." all might told you looking away. You sighed in relief there was a question on you tongue but you couldn't ask. You got out of the bed with a sigh. "I have a class to teach" you said walking out into the hall to class 1a. You opened the door and the room went silent. You stared at them and midoriya nodded at you.   "I have a quirk....two actually but I choose not to use them. in the situation that we went through i had to use them...I apologize for lying to you students" you told them. You didn't wait for a response. "Today were sparing with partners without quirks. In your uniforms and outside in 5" you told them leaving the room calmly.  You went to the field with confidence. You critiqued each group with no fear. After that you headed to the teachers lounge. Hizashi was there. He chatted with you making sure you were alright before heading to his class.after that You peered in a mirror in the lounge. You had bandages up the left side of your face. A gash above your right eyebrow and a cast on you left arm and you had tears and cuts all over. The bandage on your wrist was still there but you now had one over your forearm and below you knee As well. You headed to your dorm before the students let out. You entered and smiled at a small care package the teachers set up. You went to get a bento but  decided against it. You put fresh clothes on and threw away the old ones. You finally laid sprawled across your couch calmly staring at the ceiling.  You turned to stare at a photo you hung up while packing. It was from graduation there was you and Hizashi and again shota was in the background. Tears started to form as You picked up a pillow and threw it across the dorm with a loud frustrated shout. You laid on a the couch for a few seconds after that hot tears pricking your eyes then there was a knock. "Go away Hizashi I told you earlier I was fine" you shouted. Then silence. Then another knock. You got up with a tear stained face and opened the door swiftly about to yell at Hizashi to be faced with shota.  You just stood there not trusting your voice so instead moved out of the door way. He walked in. You gently shut the door. The silence was suffocating. As you felt tears again but wiped them away. You gained confidence to ask "you want some coffee." shota turned to meet your gaze. His face was as bandaged as yours. His arm was in a cast as well and he had a bandage around his lower chest. "That...would be nice." he replied his voice raspy. You nodded letting him follow you to the kitchen. "I like mine black by the way" he told you startling you a bit. You nodded filling two mugs one an all might mug and the other ironically being an eraserhead mug. You gave him the eraser head mug and joined him at the table. Then silence. "Im sorry I lied to you.... i know I should've stayed with the kids but I couldn't just sit and watch...and I know 13 was hurt because of that. I just couldn't...bring my self to tell anyone...I understand if you hate me." you blurted out staring at you mug. Then silence. "Y/n....your an idiot do you know how much I panicked when you jumped in front of that bird. Then when you were laying there I thought you died! I yelled at all might when I woke up. I slapped him!" shota sighed. You gazed up. he looked exhausted and frustrated.  "I thought you be mad about the quirk thing..." you sighed. "You have your reasons for that"  he replied simply and finally taking a sip of coffee. You felt frustration building up. "Why did you even care if I was dead. Why did you help with my wrist. Why....why did you force bakugo to apologize. What does this matter to you" you blurted spilling this out. He met your gaze surprised. "Its my job as a hero...." he responded quietly. You flinched still staring. I want to get to know you... The words flooded your ears of course there was a better reason than im a hero. "Then do it...." you answered boldly. "Do what?" he asked clearly confused. "Get to know me..." you answered. "How did you....?" his face changed to one of shock. "My quirk....." you answered. "Your quirk is water though....right?" confusion was thick in his voice. ".....quirks.." you answered honestly. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. There was a few more seconds of silence. "I want to get to know you too shota." you replied breaking the silence. "Then lets do that."

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now