chapter 35: your not alone

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      Your could see the rage in Mel's eyes as the small laugh left day's mouth. You stared at Chris laying on the ground. You took matters into your hands. You sprinted at full speed. You hand made contact with his face as you shoved ray onto the ground. You held him down with the weight of your body.

   You held his hands away from you with your foot applying pressure that made him wince. "C'mon cutie. Relax I've done my job" he hummed giving you a smirk. You just growled a quiet shut up before picking his head up and slamming it into the ground to knock him out.

    When you finally made sure he was out cold you turned to see Mel next to chris. You stared silently. A feeling of desperation in your chest. You picked up Ray and walked forward praying.

       Mel looked up to you her eyes slightly hidden by the hair in her face. Tears fell of her cheeks too the ground. "He's gone." She whispered. You bit your lip and set ray down.  Wrapping your arms around the girl.

     You heard yelling in the background. More hero's arriving on scene. You let go of mel. Bending down and taking chris' bandana off gently. You tied it around the girls neck. Before leading her away

    You led mel away. Answering the occasional question. You looked back to see Ray being cuffed. He had woke up.  He met your gaze with a small grin. You turned away walking forward going to find shota and blair.

    The rest of your day was spent in questioning explaining what happened. After that there was a meeting about sending all the kids home. You interjected insisting Mel be transferred to ua.

      After that you went to find Mel's dorm. You asked around before you were pointed in the right direction. You knocked on the door gently. No response. "Look I know you don't want to talk to anyone but I have some papers I need you to sign." You told her through the door. It whipped open harshly .

    You were greeted by a girl with black hair in a bun. Your eyes widened. " we talk. Not about today it's about other stuff." All you got was a quiet glare as she shuffled to a desk chair and sat down. You took a seat on her bed.

      " in light to recent events ua has considered transferring you. All you need to do is sign a paper. Then we'll contact your guardian to confirm it. " You explained.

     " my guardians have all died. My recent guardian was killed today. I don't have a choice. " she spat. You said nothing and stood up. "See you in class isn't your color I would've gone brown."

    You walked out shutting the door before leaving year in your eyes. You walked the campus for a bit before roughly punching a random tree with a scream.

     "Rough day?" Mic's voice called from behind you. You turned to see him leaning against a tree smoking. "That's bad for your quirk." You scolded snatching the cigarette from his mouth claiming it as your own.

   "Wow...hypocrite.....".  Then silence.  "You know shota's been looking for you..." He mumbled. You sighed dropping the smoldering cigarette and stomping it. "Thanks mic. Stop smoking though."

      You walked to your room thinking it would be a place to start. You opened the door and was hit with the scent of food. You shut the door and pet aizawa before heading into the kitchen. The stood shota cooking.

     You said nothing before walking up to him and leaning on him. "It's kinda hard to cook now." He told you giving you a light look before focusing on what was in the pan. " I know" you mumbled letting go.

      He grabbed two plates and assembled the meals. He sat one at the table for you. Before sitting down with his own.
"Your really reckless. You know that...right?" He told you before taking a bite.

    " Well...even then my being reckless didn't stop it...I wasn't fast enough. I'm just glad no one else was killed. " You replied. Rubbing your face with exhaustion and starting to eat.

        "you  couldve died this time." He hissed. " well I didn't shota. And now some little girl is an orphan maybe it would be better if it was me" you hissed back harshly. His tired eyes widened. "Don't ever say that!" . "why not!" You yelled. " because of you were gone I wouldn't be able to live " he shouted in response his voice cracking near the end.

      You stopped and stared at the now exhausted man. You felt tears prick your eyes. "Don't you know I feel the same shota...Every time has been to protect you." You stared at him your chest aching. " well for once let me protect you" he whispered leaning across the table to wipe the small tears on your face away.

      "I can try shota but...I'm stubborn" you said while standing up.  The male stood up and wrapped his arms around you. "Well I can be stubborn too." He mumbled pressing a kiss to your lips.

    Then there was a meow as aizawa jumped on the table. You chuckled before laying your head on shota's shoulder. This was your little family.

And you loved it

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now