chapter 5

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       You leaned back into your chair "y/n l/n. 31. Single and tired like always" you introduced yourself feeling that would be a good place to start.
     Shota nodded before giving his own introduction. "Shota aizawa,also 31. In a relationship with food and super tired."
You couldn't help but laugh at his introduction. He gave you a look almost daring you to say something. You sat quietly for a minute.

"I thought you were dating hizashi..." you blurted obviously joking. "No" Shota said with a straight face. "You abandoned your gay lover!" you shrieked earning a glare from him.

"Never. hizashi is way too loud and energetic. I would die the first day." Shota replied his voice monotone and stern. You nodded then your stomach growled. You flushed slightly embarrassed. "Have you eaten since the attack." Shota asked. "Of course" you blurted quickly. Shota raised an eyebrow skeptical of your lie.

".....not" you finished standing up and pulling two bentos out of your fridge sliding one to Shota. You slid a fork to him as well and plopped down at the table.

"What's your parents like?" Shota asked out of nowhere. You looked up quickly before looking down. "Parent. My dad is...long gone. He was a hero but the villain life took him. My mom ignored that fact she made light of it almost acted as it never happened. She is my mom and that's all I needed. " you answered plainly. You took a bite of food. "Sorry-" you cut Shota off by holding up a hand.

"Its not your fault. You couldn't have stopped it no one could've. I don't want pity. In this world it happens in a world with out quirks it would've happened so save your breath cause I don't want it." the words held fire the were passionate and calm. There was a certain aspect in your e/c eyes that made you look deadly.

Shota said nothing he sat indifferently trying to find words but you left him speechless. "You know if hizashi was here even he'd be at a lack of words" Shota finally replied a small smile on his bandaged face.

You continued conversation for a while longer getting to know this edgy tired guy. When he left you were disappointed to say the least.  You couldn't help but saying one last thing before he disappeared into his dorm. "It was really nice to meet you" you joked. Shota stared straight at you. "It was good to see you again too y/n" he replied shutting his door. You stood in your door way now having your own lack of words before shutting your own door and falling into a pile of exhaustion on your couch. "Night hizashi's gay lover" you muttered falling asleep.

It would of been wonderful if the sound of your alarm woke you up. But it was hizashi....some might think hizashi would be better then the obnoxious alarm no hiszahi was worst. Way worse. "WAKE UP Y/N!!!!!" he screeched through your door. You groaned opening your door to a bright shiny hizashi and a tired Shota.

"Why did you let him to this" you groaned

He shrugged but you saw his small smirk. You muttered hizashi's gay lover under your breath and followed the two not bothering to change. Hizashi would not shut up. That pissed you off but you bit your tongue.

You collapsed on the lounges couch a muffled groan escaping you as you had your face in a cushion. "You look well rested but I need you to spar with the kids next period" all mights words killed you. You let out a louder groan but nodded in compliance. You got up and left for the field.

The kids fought better than the first time but even so they were no match now that you were using your quirk. Aizawa was blocking the kids while you used yours to see how'd they handle a attack without their quirk against your quirk. No one had one yet until midoriya. He almost drowned you in your own water quirk on accident. You had made water walls around you two. He ended up pinning you in the water. You thrashed but no luck. Finally aizawa stopped the fight. You gasped letting air fill your lungs then cough water spewing onto the ground. "Damn midoriya you almost killed me chill kid.

For the rest of the day midoriya apologized excessively you forgave him each time. And by the end of the day you were exhausted. Shota found you asleep in the teacher office with graded assignments around you. He woke you up walked you to the dorm and waved goodnight but before he shut the door he turned straight to you his face serious.

"Be careful...drowning from your own quirk would be a terrible way to go. And there's someone who would be destroyed if you were gone" then he shut the door leaving you to your thoughts.


"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now