Chapter 32: i consider you a threat

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        You stared at the short dark skin male in front of you processing his words before turning to vomit again. Of course to your luck nezu picked that time to walk in. "ah Mrs.l/n i see you've heard the news....I will explain this all in detail don't worry."he told you calmly. You stood up and leaned against shota waiting as patiently as you could.

           "as you have seen there were planed attacks today. One of them being at one Americas top hero schools. Which is why they will be staying here for a bit. This is pro-hero sonic sonar. We have split their classes between a and b. so both of you will only get 10. Thank you for your patience" nezu gave the explanation while exchanging looks with the two homeroom teachers and yourself.

               you sat quietly as the teachers started discussing before speaking up "when can I meet the students" you asked getting everyone's attention. Sonar turned to you."ill get them together, so you can meet them and learn their quirks....ill meet you at the training field with my associate. " he said before walking out the door.

              You walked hand in hand with shota while making a quick stop to the teachers lounge. You carried one bottle of water in your pocket and were in the process of drinking another. You walked out to the field and were greeted with the loud voices that would be in your class. You stared at sonar and another woman with colorful hair. You approached the crowd putting a smile on your face as shota stared at the class coldly. ,"introduce yourself and your quirk one at a time", you told them waiting patiently. A girl with shoulder length hair steeped forward. ,"Im Mel. my quirk is mood ring." ,she stated calmly.

                 "show me." you said sternly. The girl rubbed her hands together before shooting what looked like a bolt of blue electricity at you. Your felt tears prick your eyes as you were hit my a wave of sadness. You sat on the ground tears running down your face until you heard someone call your name.

                      You sat up swiftly staring at the Mel who looked guilty. ,"are you alright? sorry i didn't know what you wanted me to do so i just went full strength.", she ranted. "your fine, thanks" you told her as she went back to her spot. The next kid steeped up. "I go by bane.My quirk is dark gauntlet.", he told you summoning what looked like a sharp shadow the stopped at his elbow. You nodded as he went to Mel and hid.

                 The next two weren't really notable. Just a shapeshifter and a kid that can predict the future. Then there was the kid who caught your eye. "im ryan my quirk is enhanced synesthesia. I can control light and turn it into projectiles."he told you lifting his arm and throwing a somewhat rainbow tinted ball next to your foot with a cold glare. You jumped back and stared at the charred ground.

                     shota's glare at the kid intensified as you just grinned. Next was a kid named Davy. His quirk lullaby. Then came victoria, quirk: vampire. After that max, quirk: plant. Then storm, quirk: weather. A bit of irony there. Finally sparrow. Quirk: hot wings.

Each kid demonstrated their quirk. And by the end of it you almost forgot about ray. Until sparrow used his quirk. You felt your mood slip until Blair ran up to you with your class trailing behind her. "who are all these people?" she asked in hushed tone. Sparrow walked out and held out a hand "I'm Ryozo Black. I go by sparrow-Blair...Holy crap" he looked like he saw a ghost. Blair looked at his hand then looked at him.

                  "  long time no see." she replied. ryozo glared at her. "so you left us to get in with the ua kids." he hissed. She looked down. "you know thats not how it know what happened."she responded. You felt the tension rising. "yeah well now its happening again" he retorted.

               You looked around seeing the students conversating. Mel ran up to sparrow before stopping at the sight of blair. " came here...we need to talk after this..." she mumbled. Blair gave a quick nod. mel scampered off before her she latched onto ryan. You turned back to the heated conversation. Sparrow gave her one last look. "I consider you a threat," he snarled before storming off and running a hand through his black spikey hair.

         You turned to talk to Blair but she was already walking off small green flames dancing on her skin.

 That got heated.

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