chapter 19: welp summer camp anyone?

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 you spent the next two days hanging out with dawn and working around the bakery. she was extremly confident and extroverted. you spent the day before camp packing and making sure shota packed.  you shoved your ipod into your pocket and you phone in the other. you had given dawn a new spare key you made so she could dorm sit and take care of aizawa.

the bus ride was the longest ride you had ever been on. you didnt travel much so you threw some earbuds in and listened to loud as hell music and  played neko asume. you stared at the screen frowning. you already missed aizawa. you nerves were also quite high since in your free time you would be training with shota so you could start patrols at night and do intense hero work.

krysti had came so hizashi tagged along just to watch and be extra security. normally he wouldn't have came but those two had been inseparable. Their loud personalities didnt clash at all. you felt the bus stop a little while later you went to stand but shota pulled you down.

"just watch" he told you. you raised an eyebrow but nodded as the students got off the bus. you then realized what they had to do. "you're  making them get to camp through the forest...that's a dick move but smart"  you mumbled slipping your earbuds in and leaning tiredly against shota. you were awoken soon after. you dragged yourself from the bus and went to the living corders to change.

you threw on some shorts and a tank top then joined everyone else again. you felt your nerves intensifying. you sucked at sparing. you stared at the group. there was Vlad, hizashi and krysti but no shota.  you then felt a hand on your shoulder causing you to shout in surprise and immediately threw a punch at the person. "hey training hasn't started yet" shota said holding his jaw. "my bad...lets go" you answered shyly. he nodded leading the way.

it was a remote field. the breeze was nice you stood quietly before getting in stance.   "come at me aizawa" you told him trying to seem confident. you quickly felt a fist connect with your face. you stumbled back and saw him going again before grabbing his arm and searching for the perfect spot then kneeing him in the ribs and throwing him to the ground. he was quick to pull you down with him though.

the second you were up he punched you straight in the nose and kicked you in the gut. you let out a chocked gasp and went to swipe his feet out from under him before missing. you then tried an upper cut and  a steady punch to the ribs. you felt blood dripping from you nose.  you took an unsteady breath and tackled the male to the ground with a scream. then you rolled off him and coughed uncontrollably. "you have some skill...just not much strategy." he told you resting a hand on your shoulder as you coughed. you turned to look at him he had a bruise forming on his jaw line and a bloody lip. you on the other hand had two large bruises and a extremely bloody nose.

you both made your way back to the camp. the students arrived the same time you two did. they all stared at you. "did she have to fight too" minette asked. you grinned. " yup a beast way scarier than the ones you all faced." you joked as shota gave you a look. you saw mandalay talking to the students about quirk enhancement training. something you would be doing with them. you sighed and wiped blood off your face with your arm.

the quirk enhancement was brutal. you were pulling large amounts of water from the ground and surroundings and making it storm then doing it again. you were soaked but it felt nice in the heat. you heard everyone's thoughts of frustration and anger. you felt your body giving up as the day. you especially felt bad for midoriya who was with tiger.  after dinner that night you did some more quirk training on your own. you controlled waves. speed and accuracy.  by the time the night ended you collapsed at a desk while working on your trainning plans.

"you should get some rest. tomorrows gonna be just as rough" shota told you taking your hand and helping you up. you held his hand and just nodded following him. the second you hit the bed you fell asleep. you didn't see when shota kissed your forehead. you defiantly didn't hear his words but if you would've. you would've been happy as his words were "I love you...don't work so hard"

today was hard but tomorrow could be worse.

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