chapter 13

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                     you didn't sleep much that night. It was hard to fall asleep when all you could focus on was what he had said. Hizashi now knew it was, in fact, you who called. Anyone who knew you called him zashi as a kid knew which was terrifying all you could do was lay with your eyes open as you focused on the ceiling eventually of course you fell asleep but that was horrific.

                           You had a nightmare...the first one and years it was pitch black water everywhere you were just floating your own shroud of light . You were good at holding your breath so you did that as you tried to swim to the surface. Though it felt like you had a chain wrapped around your leg though every time you looked there was nothing there. You were running out of hair and you refused to blink you didn't know why but you felt the moment you blinked time would be up.

                  You panicked as you lost control and a large bit of water entered your throat and nose you started coughing just letting more and more water in. it was one of the most painful things you had ever experienced. In a panicked frenzy you screamed bubbles rising to the top you felt it getting dark as your heard you name. You just let out another yell. Then you jolted up shota looking straight at you

                         You hand traveled to your mouth as you covered it. You sat there the normal sparkle your eyes dimmed by the fear you had just experienced your chest ached you knew it was from th running event but it unsettled you. Shota snapped you out of you trance by putting a hand on your shoulder.

He then pulled you into a tight hug. For a moment you sat numbly trying to get yourself together but ended up sobbing into his chest. You could feel the subtle ache in your chest turn into a fiery burn as you let out choked sobs and hot tears. Your voice was caught in your throat as you tried to let out an apology

           " sorry shota" is all you could force yourself to say. All he did was shush you rocking back in forth trying to soothe you.

"I didn't mean to wake you up...." your voice held thousands of emotions ready to spill.

        "Hey it's alright i was already awake...none of this is your fault so just breath" he tried to console you quietly. You just hummed in acknowledgment. You could already tell it would be a rough day. It was going to be a pain in your butt.

Shota's calm quiet voice broke the silence again "do you want to talk about...of course you don't have to might make you feel better."

At first you didn't want to even try to talk about the dream but the obvious concern in shota's voice made you spill.

"I-it probably was about my quirk or something was terrible. All i could see was the dark i tried to swim up but i couldn't. I didn't blink or breath and then i broke and....i screamed....and drowned." you could feel your voice tremble with each word. You eyes were searching the empty darkness of your dorm for something but you didn't know what.

Shota stayed silent as he pulled away and had you stand up he lead you to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle. He then took you to the sink starting to pour the water out. He flipped the middle finger at it while doing so. You couldn't help but laugh the tiniest bit and joining him with the action. It was nice.

The school day went on without a hitch until 2 v 1 battles with the students. You were against uraraka and lida in a forest environment which worked in your favor. You used one of your quirks to see if the kids were in a one foot radius of you. It was silent. You used large amounts of water to knock trees over in front of you to build a wall. You knew uraraka could move them but decided it would help. You then made a long rope of water to help with combat.

You immediately heard their thoughts when they got close. They seemed panicked. You made the ground muddy so lida couldn't go fast with out slipping. You took a deep breath in as you heard their voices. Then you saw them.

"Lets get this done with. You took forever to get here so you have a minute and forty two seconds." you told them calmly. You threw a large orb of water at the kids splitting them up. You knew you had a better chance of winning if they were separated. You quickly went into action using water to force lida against a tree. But you felt the wood move up from under you. You let out a sigh and jumped down. You forgot about uraraka.

You quickly made a wall of water in front of the door way. Then you felt uraraka's hand on you. You immediately realized her plan. You felt her moving you to the water wall your body went into fight mode. You refused to put the wall down though you refused to lose. You through ball after ball of water at her it stopped her from moving you but she didn't put you done.

"Don't put me in the water ochaco!" you yelled your voice desperate.

lida glared at you. "Don't listen to her its mind games!" he retorted aggressively.

You took a deep breath in and with a shout threw a large ball of water straight to her gut it pained you to do so but you had to. You fell to the ground as she stumbled down.

Your headache as you got up quickly. You pushed you quirk to its limit but had to keep going as you read their thoughts you swiftly kicked uraraka you felt her hands on your leg again as you went into the air but lida didn't hesitate this time he ran shoving you into the water.

You screamed as you felt it around you. You immediately dropped the wall falling to the ground coughing and crying you saw uraraka's eyes on you so you smiled through your tears. "You guys did great" you told her before curling up with a small mumbled shout. You then stood up and walked out of the arena your chest burning and you face tear stained. the water experience was just too much after your nightmare

When you entered the room of teachers hizashi put a supportive hand on you shoulder. You gazed to him with a small smile. You then went and grabbed a small juice pouch enjoying it immensely.

You cheered on other students. And occasionally teachers. You laughed at hizashi and pretended like the water was nothing

But it was.

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now