chapter 8

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You slept peacefully for an hour before a loud thud in the hall woke you up. You first instinct was to get aizawa so thats what you did.
After locking the small cat in your room you went in the hall to see one of your the teachers dorm all....after hours.

"Blair!" you hissed quietly getting her attention. She turned quickly to you her green hair swaying ever so slightly. Then you noticed the fresh burns.

You had been worried for this student for a while she lost control of her power quite often though it never hurt others just herself. You felt a sigh drift out of your mouth as you approached the girl.

"What are you doing in campus still?" you asked calmly
She hesitated.
"You can trust me." you said gently resting a hand on her shoulder.

"I live here....I stay here every night. I don't have a home....or parents" she stated her voice almost as monotone as shshot's.You gave a calm nod. "Please I need a place to stay i have to be a hero i have to be better than my parents were." Blair's tone stayed the same but it made your heart hurt to see a student in this situation.

"I have a friend who will help." you answered then you were slammed to the ground. You gave a groan of pain "Shota let go" you rasped having the air knocked out of you.

Once you felt the scarf off of you. You helped Blair up. Shota cocked an eyebrow. "She doesn't have a place to stay so im bothering hizashi." You stated taking the kids hand and dragging her down the hall.

Shota followed not saying anything. You appreciated that he didn't argue with the situation. You knocked on hizashi door and expected it to take a few minutes to open but it opened immediately and you three were pulled in.

"Shota texted me everything. I don't know why you thought id be the perfect place though y/n!" hizashi complained. Blair sat on the couch staring at you. You felt like you had to help her.

"Because I don't have any space in my dorm and Shota can barely take care of himself. Your the most motherly and she needs you!" you gave an exhausted sigh giving your reasons to hizashi.

"Fine" he huffed. "But if shes any trouble im giving her back to you" he finished though there was a pang of excitement in his eyes.

"She went be trouble shes the quietest kid in 1a the only problem is she burns herself on accident. " Shota spoke. The first words in a while. The two men chatted while your eyes rested on Blair

She was pretty. Dark skin, teal eyes, green hair you expect the burns to lessen this but it just added to the calm cold demeanor she had.

When you finally got back to your dorm you went to your room and collapsed on you bed. You felt aizawa curl up next to you. You gave him a gentle pat. Tommorow was the festival and you were no where near ready.

The sound of your alarm woke you for the first time in a while so you quickly showered and dressed. You bid aizawa farewell and locked you dorm. You then let yourself into shota's dorm with your new key. You decided to make breakfast and let him sleep for a bit longer.

You set a the food and coffee on the table. Then you sighed and peeked into shota's room which immediately caused you to bust out laughing due to his sleeping bag filled room startling the sleeping Shota causing you to get slammed to the floor by his scarf again. You groaned "you gotta stop doing that".

"Shoot sorry why are you here this early!" he asked letting you go and helping you up. "I made breakfast and I wanted you to come check on Blair with me" you answered like you didn't just get slammed to the ground.

"What's with all the sleeping bags?" you asked when you both were done eating and heading to hizashi's room. He shrugged causing you to sigh.

You gently knocked on The door and were greeted by a tired Blair. She stepped back letting you both in. Where hizashi greeted you.

"This girl is a complete angel! Im so glad shes staying with me. She made breakfast!" hizashi ranted to you. You caught a small smile on the girls face which dissapeared when she caught you looking.

The kid looked ready for the festival. ready to destroy. Her face held no emotion. It unsettled you yet you knew Blair cared deeply about anyone good or bad.

The four of you walked to the arena. You were unable to hide your excitement it was the first time since you were a kid to be at the festival.

Shota was correct hizashi was loud describing every attack but his energy just made the whole night better. You were sure hizashi cheered the most at Blair's match against bakugo she didn't do well at first but near the end she destroyed. She ended her match spitting at him before storming off. You bit your up trying not to laugh.

The rest of the night was a blast. You got dinner with Blair and hizashi. Looked at the vendors with midoriya and uraraka. And finished it off by watching fire works with Shota.

You waved by to Shota at your door but before he fully left you wrapped the male in a quick hug muttered good night and shut you door swiftly behind you. Leaving a blushing Shota in the hall

What a day

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now