chapter 9

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The light shining through your window want enough to wake you up but hizashi annoyingly loud voice was. "Y/nnnnnn wake uppppp I need your female help!"

"Five more minutes" you screeched back

"Ill send shota in!" he threatened
"Im up Im up!" you finally gave in pushing aizawa off your chest.
You threw some clothes on and sew the trio in you living room. Shota was sprawled across the couch. Hizashi was smiling at a photo and Blair was meditating on you floor.

"The hell did you want hizashi.?" you groaned clearly annoyed.
"Were going shopping for Blair and need you to come with. " hizashi answered simply. You looked from hizashi to shota and muttered gay dads. "Ill come but only for Blair" you sighed "but first Im showering."

After you shower you stood in the bathroom glaring at your reflection in your mirror. Your hair was almost down to your waist. You gave a quick sigh pulled some scissors out of the cabinet then cut it to your shoulders. You then put it in a small bun and joined them in the living room. Hizashi gasped with a squeal causing shota to sit up annoyed.

"What is it you- oh wow." shota gazed straight at you causing your face to flush. Blair gave a thumbs up and you just smiled modestly.  "Lets go"

To say Blair was picky was an understatement if any one other than hizashi suggested something she hated it. This frustrated you. You channeled your inner teen and led your group to a hot topic.  Finally Blair found a few items she tolerated and one she loved. The item the kid adored was a pair of knee high rainbow socks....the irony made you laugh.

At lunch shota was quiet so you offered to take a walk with him. But the thoughts around you were humming. One stood out to you as you both were walking. Move! You tackled shota to the ground nearly missing a a plasma blast shot from a villain. The thoughts around you made your head ache but you got up quickly. Shota looked surprised before remembering your quirk. You summoned a orb of water throwing it at the villain to get his attention.

"Hey idiot! You wanna dance!" you taunted glaring at him. In the corner of you vision you noticed hizashi and Blair running towards you.

"Really this outfit was new ugh i liked it too." the villain sighed throwing another plasma ball. You jumped out of the way feeling the heat against you back. It burned. "Eraser! Some help would be nice!" you screamed trying to push the villain back with the water. You noticed a burst of fire pushing the villain into a wall.

"Blair get somewhere safe your too young for this shit!" you yelled at the kid as shota wrapped the surprisingly strong villain in his scarf slamming him into the ground.

"Im a hero too I can help with this!" Blair yelled in response
"Young lady your grounded unless you go sit down!" hizashi yelled back.

You went to help shota with the villain while the two argued. You made water chains to hold the guy to the ground. It was a struggle though.

"What's your goal here!" you yelled angerilly.
"Chill water dancer. Its nothing to harm you." he replied
You Then felt a kick in the face causing you to let a shocked gasp as you lost control of your water. "Eraser-" you started to speak but were immediately cut off.

The villain had one hand pointed

"Nuh uh sweetie. Even if little old eraser erased my quirk. I have plasma gauntlets that will kill so do me a favor sweetie tell me how this feels." he placed a hand on your chest "and I changed my mind about my goal."

You felt a quick sting before you went flying into on of the fake trees in the mall. You grunted. This guys quirk wasn't the plasma. You felt the air knocked out of you as you hit the ground. You shakily sat up. "Blair heat this up!" you shouted throwing a ball of water at the villain. He screamed as the now boiling water hit his face thanks to Blair.

"Blair sweetie" he growled "daddy loves you" he hissed venom in his voice before busting through the roof. You saw shota moving civilians out of the way of ruble with his scarf. "I hate you! Blair screeched in his direction flipping the middle finger.

Once the civilians were safe you group rushed over to you. Shota stared straight into your eyes his concern obvious but you ignored Him for a second.

"Blair you did a great job." you smirked and coughed .
hizashi glared at you. "She flipped the middle finger. He complained.
And the other three of you all at once replied with "shut up hizashi."

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now