Chapter One

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A/N: As with most of my stories, this will vary from the show, with general mentions of certain scenes. Tara is dead, but Gemma didn't kill her. Piney and Clay are still alive as are most everyone that died in the show. I just never quite have the heart to kill everyone off. If that fact doesn't bother you, read on and I hope you enjoy! 



Gemma was waiting at the curb in front of Charming Elementary School when Abel came running out with his friends. She watched with a grin as he waved goodbye to the two other little boys and climbed into her SUV. As soon as the door was shut behind him, he handed her an envelope with Jax's name on it. Gemma frowned at it before looking at Abel.

"What's this, baby?"

Abel shrugged. "I got a new teacher and she wants to meet daddy."

Gemma nodded before putting the envelope behind her visor and starting the car. "Okay then. How was your day?"

Abel grinned. "It was fun! Miss Turner's pretty!"

Gemma chuckled and shook her head. "You're just like your daddy." She reached over and ruffled his hair. "How about some ice cream before we go home?"

She smirked when Abel nodded excitedly.


Later that night when Jax let himself into the house, he saw his mother doing the dishes from dinner. He took off his kutte and gun, making sure to lock the latter up in the box on the top shelf of the closet. He kicked his Nikes off and walked into the kitchen to kiss Gemma on the cheek and grab a beer from the fridge.

"Hey, mom. Any dinner left?"

Gemma nodded, already reaching for the plate setting on the counter and putting it in the microwave. "How was your day, baby?"

Jax sighed and rubbed a hand over his face before lighting a cigarette. "Long. How did Abel do in school today?"

Gemma reached into her bag and drew out a letter, handing it to him. "Fine, I guess. He says he has a new teacher and she wants to meet you. I can do it if you don't have time."

Jax shook his head. "Nah, I'll make time. It's important that I do the parenting thing, mom, but I appreciate the offer."

Gemma nodded as she sat a plate of spaghetti down in front of him. "I know, but I just thought I would offer. I know things have been busy lately."

Jax grinned and nodded as he chewed the food in his mouth. When he was done, he replied. "It ain't easy being king." He chuckled with Gemma. "We know anything about the new teacher?"

Gemma shook her head. "No, other than Abel says she's pretty." She shook her head when Jax snickered. "He's gonna be as bad as you were."

Jax grinned. "It must be hereditary."

Gemma snorted as she got up from the table. "Yeah, right. Okay, the kids are in bed so I'm gonna head home."

Jax nodded. "Tell Clay to come by the clubhouse. Just because he can't ride anymore doesn't mean he can't hang out."

Gemma nodded. "Yeah, you and I know that, but he's having a hard time, Jax. Just give it some time." She tilted her head. "Maybe I should throw a family dinner like old times."

Jax nodded. "That sounds like a plan."

Gemma nodded before kissing him on the cheek and letting herself out. Jax finished eating before he washed up his plate and made sure the house was locked up. He sighed as he turned off the lights and headed to bed after checking on both boys. He could handle being a single parent most of the time, but at night when it was time to unwind, he felt the loneliness kick in. It sucked not having someone to talk to or lay beside while he slept but he knew that it was hard to find someone that wanted to share your life with you, let alone help raise two boys that weren't theirs.

As he lay in bed and stared into the darkness, he let himself miss Tara. It had been almost a year since she died, and it was getting easier, but sometimes, he was hit with the memories. For a long time, he despised the drunk driver that took her from him and the boys, even though the man had also died in the crash. He was thankful every day that the boys had been with his mother that day and not in the car.

He knew without a doubt that he wouldn't have lived through it without Opie by his side. Opie knew that even though he'd never been in the position Jax was, the devastation that it caused ate his best friend up, so he had helped his best friend through the drunken days and nights, and showed him that he still needed to be a father to his kids and a brother to his club. It was unfortunate that arthritis had finally taken Clay's ability to ride away from him, along with his presidency, but Jax thought that having to step up and take over had helped him focus and bring his grief under control.

He took a deep breath and let his eyes close as he thought of his schedule for the following day and how he would fit in a visit to the new teacher.


Jax smiled when he saw Abel running down the hall toward him as the final bell of the day rang. He leaned down and kissed him on the forehead before taking his hand and walking back toward Abel's classroom. They walked hand in hand into the room and Jax stopped short as he stared at the woman at the desk.

She looked tiny, not much taller than Abel, with beautiful chestnut hair that was pinned back in some kind of bun. He grinned when he noticed the pencil sticking out of her hair then blew out a breath at the hazel eyes behind black glasses. She stood as they came into the room, her hand out and a smile on her face in greeting. 

"Hello! You must be Mr. Teller. I'm Ms. Turner. I'm taking over Mrs. Landon's class while she's on maternity leave."

Jax took her hand and squeezed it gently as he smiled down at her. "Please, call me Jax." 

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