Chapter Two

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Maddox tried not to stare at the blond Adonis standing in front of her, presently shaking her hand. His grasp was firm but gentle at the same time as if he was purposely putting a leash on how hard he gripped her hand. The small impish smile he gave her was eerily similar to his son's and something she was sure she'd be seeing later in her mind.

She cleared her throat and plastered a smile on her face as she motioned for him to sit in the chair across from her desk. She leaned down and smiled at Abel. "Abel, would you like to draw your dad a picture while we talk?" When he nodded, she pointed to his desk. "Go on then. We'll be right here." When he walked over to his desk, she turned to Jax with a small grin. "He's such a well-behaved little man." 

Jax nodded and smiled at her. "Thank you. We try to teach him manners."

Maddox nodded as she put a file in front of herself and opened it. "It shows. Believe me, I wish all of my students were as well-behaved as he is." She looked at the file for a moment before sighing and lifting sad eyes to Jax. "Mrs. Landon left detailed files on each child to help me get to know them. It's been invaluable. I see that your wife died a little over a year ago?" When Jax nodded, she tilted her head and looked at him solemnly. "I am sorry for your loss."

Jax nodded. "Thank you. It's been difficult. I know Abel had some issues at first but... "

Maddox nodded. "Yes, apparently he was very withdrawn and kept to himself in class, but honestly, that's completely normal and part of the grieving process." She folded her hands on top of the file and gave him a small smile. "He's becoming more active in class now, participates in group work, and plays with the other kids at recess. I think he's going to be just fine." She picked up a progress report and handed it to Jax. "This is Abel's progress report for this year so far, Mr. Teller. He's very bright and learns quickly. I'd say that he's right on track to go to first grade next year."

Jax nodded as he grinned. "He gets his brains from his mother... well, step-mother. She worked with him a lot when he was smaller. She was a doctor." He shrugged. "I'm just a mechanic."

Maddox rolled her eyes, making him chuckle. "Mr. Teller, let me tell you a story. When I was a senior in high school, I got accepted to San Diego State. My mother sat me down at the kitchen table and asked me if I was positive that I wanted to go to college. I stared at her for a moment before she shook her head and told me that she was proud of me, but wanted to make sure that I knew that she would be just as proud if I decided to be a secretary or work in retail." She grinned. "Yes, I ramble. My point is that if everyone went to college and received degrees, who would be left to do the manual labor? The heavy lifting? Mr. Teller, you are never just anything."

Jax chuckled quietly and nodded. "I see your point, and I also see that you are very passionate about things that are important to you. I'm glad that you're Abel's teacher."

Maddox found herself blushing as she looked down at her hands. "Well, for a few more months, anyway. Do you have any questions for me, Mr. Teller?"

She watched as Jax smirked at her and she had the fleeting thought that she just saw what pure sex appeal looked like. He shook his head as he stood up and held his hand out. She took it and was surprised when he held onto it for a moment before releasing it. "The only question I have will have to wait a few months."

Maddox tilted her head in question, a small frown wrinkling her nose. "Why is that?"

He grinned and reached out to smooth the skin between her eyes. "Because I really want to take you out to dinner and I'm almost positive that you wouldn't find that appropriate while you're his teacher."

Maddox opened her mouth to say something but let it shut again when she realized that she didn't have a comeback to that. Jax chuckled again before nodding to her and telling Abel that it was time to go. For several minutes after the father and son left, Maddox sat in silence, trying to get her heart rate under control. She certainly didn't have time to waste on lusting after someone that she couldn't have.


The next afternoon, Maddox pulled into Teller-Morrow and parked near the garage. She got out as a black-haired man came walking her way, nodding in greeting.

"Can I help you, doll?"

Maddox grinned and nodded. "I have a ping."

The man chuckled and shook his head. "Well, that can't be good. Pull her into the garage and I'll have a look at it."

Maddox nodded and turned to get into the car but was stopped by a very familiar voice. "Stalking me now, darlin'?"

Maddox turned and lifted a brow. "Nope. I have a ping in my engine."

Jax chuckled and shook his head. "I have so many comments I could make to that, but I won't." He moved her to the side and pointed toward a door with an office sign on it. "My mom is in there. Go chat while I see what the problem is."

She nodded and started that way when she heard the first man complain. "Dammit, Jax, I had it under control man."

Jax laughed and nodded as he opened the driver's door. "Yeah, I saw that, but this one's mine, brother."

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