Chapter Nine

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Monday afternoon, Maddox was again behind her desk at Charming Elementary, going through the schoolwork the sub had left for her. She looked at her watch and sighed, knowing that there would be a showdown soon. She'd passed Mark in the halls earlier and the look of shock on his face would have been comical if she wasn't so nervous.

After she'd gotten back to town, she'd explained to Jax why she'd left and he'd come up with this idea. She'd tried to talk him out of it, had tried to push for something more subtle or private, but he's held fast that this was the best way to handle things.

"I thought I told you to stay out of town until I let you come back."

Maddox took a deep breath and nodded, looking up from the papers on her desk to see Mark walking into the classroom. "You did, but I didn't really see a point."

Mark shook his head. "I should have known that you had a problem following rules."

"That's not the only rule she broke." Maddox closed her eyes and took a deep breath as Jax sauntered into the room, walking past Mark to stand behind her. He laid a hand on her shoulder as he smirked at the other man who was now looking furious. "I don't know what you thought was going to happen here, but your threats didn't work."

Mark smirked and shook his head. "I realize that you think you run the town, but even you can't go against the rules of the school district. I mean, shit Jax, she's not even that great. You can do much better than a shy school teacher with daddy issues."

Jax squeezed her shoulder as he chuckled. "Now you're just full of shit. If she wasn't that great, it wouldn't bother you who she was with." He shook his head. "You really need to let this petty shit go, man. We aren't in high school anymore. Who I date shouldn't have anything to do with you."

Mark shrugged and grinned. "Well, we'll see how it goes when I show the school board president the video I have of the two of you."

Jax nodded, smirking. "Yeah, we will. John!" Maddox held her breath as John Chapman, the current board president came walking into the room with a frown on his face. Jax looked at Mark and winked. "You wanna tell him or should I?"

Mark swallowed hard as John held up a hand. "That won't be necessary. I've heard enough. As much as I don't condone a teacher dating a parent of her current student, I agree with another teacher blackmailing that teacher for his own personal gain even less. Mr. Fields, I'll expect your resignation on my desk before the end of business today." He turned to Jax and Maddox, his face understanding. "I would ask that if you two want to pursue a relationship, that you do it at the end of the school year after Abel has moved on to first grade."

Jax and Maddox both nodded, Jax thanking John for coming as Mark just stood there in shock. Finally, after John had left, he shook his head and pointed a finger at Maddox. "You're going to be sorry that you chose him. I guarantee you that, sweetheart."

Maddox slumped in her chair as Mark strode out of the room, Jax kissing the top of her head. "See? That wasn't that bad, right?"

Maddox shook her head as she stood up. "Not that bad? I'm pretty sure I was just threatened."

Jax shook his head as he pulled her to him with a hand on her waist. "He's just pissed, babe. He'll get over it, believe me." He grinned down at her. "I think you should relax and kiss me."

Maddox rolled her eyes as she pushed him back. "Did you not just hear what John said?"

Jax smirked and nodded. "I did, but I think we could probably fly under the radar, Mad. It's not like John's gonna follow you around town."

Maddox took a deep breath and shook her head. "No, I think he's right. We need to stop whatever this is at least until summer break. Take a step back."

Jax sighed and shook his head, a frown taking over the smile. "Seriously?"

Maddox nodded. "Yep, seriously. Look, if you're still interested in June, then we'll talk, but we need to stop for now. No contact unless it's related to Abel and his schoolwork."

Jax nodded slowly as he stepped away. "Okay, if that's how you want it, Mad, but... I'm not gonna change my mind. You'll be seeing me the day after school ends."

She nodded as he strode out the door, waiting until he was gone to sink back into her chair. She was a little angry with herself for doing that to him, but it couldn't be helped. This was her job they were talking about. Jax could wait a couple of months if he was serious about this, and that would give her time to deal with her other problem.

She took her phone out of her pocket and typed out a text.

Are we on for tonight?

It took minutes for an answer to her question.

Yep. The kids are with Mary tonight so I'll be able to talk to him. Just stay available in case I can convince him to talk to you.

Maddox nodded before typing. 

Alright. I'll be around.

She laid her phone down and went back to grading papers. She could keep herself occupied for a little longer, hoping that Donna could work miracles.

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