Chapter Six

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The next afternoon, Maddox was again looking through her student's work when there was a knock on the door. She looked up and saw Mark standing there with a smile on his face and sighed as she waved him in.

"Mark, I thought I was clear that I just wasn't feeling what you were. We didn't click, that's all."

Mark nodded as he sat down in the chair opposite her desk, leaning back to rest his feet on her desk. "Yeah, I know. I just have some new information that might change your mind, that's all." He pulled his phone out and swiped a few things before holding it up for her to see. It was a video of Maddox and Jax kissing by her car the day before. Maddox shook her head and groaned as Mark grinned at her. "It's time stamped and everything. More than enough evidence for the school board to see that you were making out with a student's parent while he was still your student."

Maddox shook her head and laughed bitterly. "Boy, you just don't know how to take no for an answer nicely, do you? You're such a fucking snake! What do you want?"

Mark frowned as he put his phone back in his pocket. "Now, that's a horrible thing to say! Especially coming from someone who dabbles in inappropriate behavior, and on school grounds no less." He leaned forward and smiled. "What I want is simple. You. Well, you and the chance to stick it to Teller for once." He stood up to pace the floor as he shook his head. "Every girl I ever wanted, Teller got first! Everybody has always treated him like he was a fucking prince or something. It's about time that he didn't get his way."

Maddox sighed and shook her head, surprised at how much jealousy and envy could affect one person. "So what? You want me to stay away from Jax? Is that it?"

Mark nodded. "Exactly! I just want a chance, Maddox! Do you even know what kind of man he is? I'm saving you from that heartbreak, babe, believe me. You'll thank me when he ends up dead or in prison."

Maddox shook her head. "I can't exactly distance myself from him when I have his son in my class."

Mark nodded. "I thought of that. You'll take a temporary leave of absence until school is out. Then, when you come back, he'll have given up and moved on." He winked at her. "I happen to know how much you love surfing. There are some great waves breaking right now."

Maddox shivered a little, wondering just how he got that information when she'd never said anything to him about what she liked to do. "And if I don't? I mean, what's to keep me from taking this to Jax as soon as I leave here?"

Mark shrugged. "If you don't do as I say, I turn this video over to the school board and you can watch your career go down the tubes. Yeah, if this was a bigger town, what you did probably wouldn't matter, but babe, this is Charming, and they're pretty particular about who teaches their children."

Maddox shook her head before letting it fall into her hands. "I can't believe this shit." Finally, she nodded. "Ok, yeah. I mean, I don't have much fucking choice do I?"

Mark stood up and kissed her on the head, making her recoil. "You really don't. As for you and me, I'm willing to give you all the time you need to get used to being in a relationship, just as long as Teller is nowhere near you." He looked at his watch. "If you hurry, you can catch the principal before he leaves for the day." He winked and grinned as he turned toward the door. "See you when you get back, darling. Enjoy the waves. A little sun will do you good. You're suddenly looking pale."


The next afternoon, Gemma pulled into the lot of TM and parked in her usual place before getting out and helping Abel from the back seat. When they turned toward the clubhouse, she saw Donna getting out of her car and nodded.

"You know if Jax is here? I need to see him about something."

Donna shook her head before leaning down to give Abel a kiss and a quick cuddle. "Nope, no idea, but Opie is, and Jax is usually wherever Ope is these days."

Gemma nodded and took Abel's hand in hers as she made her way inside the clubhouse. Jax smiled when he saw them come in but that turned to a frown when he saw the serious look on his mother's face. "Hey, what's up?"

Gemma looked down at Abel and nodded. "Tell your dad what you told me, baby."

Abel looked up at his dad sadly and shrugged. "Ms. Turner is gone. The new teacher said that she had a family... a family...  "

Jax grinned as his son struggled with the bigger word. "Emergency? Family emergency?" When Abel nodded, Jax frowned at his mom. "That's weird because I tried to call her and her phone went straight to voicemail."

Gemma shook her head. "I got a bad feeling, Jax."

Jax nodded and blew out a breath as he ran a hand over his head. "Yeah, I get it, but I have shit to do and can't go check on her. You're busy too. Besides, she could really have a family emergency and just didn't think to call me."

Donna shrugged. "I met her the other night. I can go check on her, see what's up. Can Juice get her address?"


When Donna pulled into the driveway, she saw that the front door was open, so she got the gun Opie always kept in the glove box and walked up the drive, stepping quietly into the entryway. She listened for a moment but heard nothing as she took a few steps farther into the house. She took a deep breath before calling out.

"Maddox? Are you here? It's me, Donna. Mark's cousin? Jax sent me over to check on you."

She heard a throat clear and swung toward the living room with the gun raised to see Venus Van Dam coming from the hallway, hands in the air and a frown on her face. "She's not here, sugar. I couldn't reach her either and got concerned." She grinned then as she pointed at the gun that Donna was now pointing toward the floor. "Good to see that you came prepared."

Donna grinned as she put the safety on and tucked the gun in the back of her jeans. "Opie would skin me alive if I didn't bring it with me, especially if I walked into a house with the front door standing open." Venus nodded as Donna looked around at the room that seemed to be untouched. "Any idea where she is? Jax is a little worried."

Venus sighed. "Well, her bedroom looks like a cyclone hit it, meaning she left in a hurry, so I'm a little concerned myself." She put an arm around Donna's shoulders as they walked back outside. "I think we need to go talk to our boys."

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