Chapter 4.

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This chapter is dedicated to calm_directioner, thank you for your tips and feedback, they were greatly appreciated. 


 "Luke? Wake upppppp." I say shaking him.

"Aria? Oh hi." he says looking up at me nervously closing his pad. 

"Hi," I say, "how are you?"

"I'm  good very good actually." he says giving me a big smile. 

~Aria's Mothers P.O.V~

It was just a matter of time before this happened, I sunk to my knees and cried, my babies gone. "Jane, it's okay, we're going to be okay, we knew this would happen, we just didn't know how to stop it." Tom, my husband whispered into my ear. I took in his beautiful scent, he was still quite spunky at the age of 55, his hair was turning grey but he still had the looks. 

"We didn't try to stop them from taking her though." I cried. I want my baby back, my baby that I only got to look afterand care for 17 years and 2 months!

"It's okay, she has great potential, she could follow in her Grandmother's footsteps, she could be a master vampire."

"You're right," I say getting up, "she's going to be fine, all we can do is hope for the best," I have to be strong, I have to be strong for Aria.

~Aria's P.O.V

Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke. I couldn't get Luke out of my head, his beautiful blonde hair, his captivating blue eyes with sparks of red through them, the fact that I had to stare up at him to take in his looks because he was so tall. All of his features made me want to stare at him forever and now that I was changing into an immortal being, it could be possible to look at him forever.

"So, what's in that notepad thing?" I asked Luke curiously sitting down on his bed taking in my surroundings. He had lots of poster filling his room, posters of bands I had never even heard of. In the corner of the room I saw stacks of notepads sitting next to a guitar, I didn't know he played.

"Uh, nothing-"

"You play the guitar?! Me too, I LOVE music!" I say excitedly.

~Luke's P.O.V~

"You do?" I was really starting to like this girl with long auburn hair and dreamy blue irises, it's a pity that her beautiful eyes will be ruined with the sparks of red. 

"Yeah, i've always had a passion for music for aslong as I can remember, do you think you could play me a song?" she says smiling, I really love that smile.

"Uh, okay, i've just started this one and it's quite bad so beware," i say nervously scratching my neck. She just nods, I get up grab my guitar and sit down next to her starting to strum my guitar.

"I can't look at you in the same light, knowing what you did in my heart doesn't feel right, I need another point of view. I've got a friend he's commited to sci fi, he's read every comic, he's addicted to Twilight, he'll give you the goosebumps but he's never lead me wrong." I sang with all my heart. "He said she's got a method to killing, pulling you in like you're gonna start kissing, fooling around until you've lost all feeling, sucking your blood until your heart stops beating! Before we started it was over, I feel our bodies getting colder, she gives me a feeling that I can't fight. And it's the road that leads to nowhere, but all I wanna do is go there, she's got me running from the daylight."

~Aria's P.O.V~ 

Luke's voice is the most beautifulest thingI have ever heard. Once he had finished I clapped and smiled. "oh my gosh, Luke you're voice is great!" 

"Thanks," he says shrugging.



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